1 Übersetzung
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- With Tekla BIMsight, users can perform spatial co-ordination (clash or conflict checking) to avoid design and constructability issues, and communicate with others in their construction project by sharing models and notes.
- The term "constructability" can also define the ease and efficiency with which structures can be built.
- They are also essential to Fermat primes and Pierpont primes, which have consequences in the constructability of regular polygons using basic tools.
- In 1965, SR 138 was rerouted along a section of SR 48 from Ridge Route Road to 170th Street West because of constructability issues, removing one unconstructed portion.
- The ECI contracting method (also known as Construction Management at Risk in private industry) allows the construction contractor to work hand-in-hand with the Corps and the design team on plan revisions and construction sequencing that will improve the constructability and cost-savings of the project.
- Gray's responsibilities include construction management, inspection, scheduling, and constructability services.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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