 Übersetzung für 'conversational' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   conversational | more conversational | most conversational
SYNO colloquial | conversational
conversational {adj}unterhaltend
conversational {adj}gesprächig
conversational {adj}Umgangs-
conversational {adj} [e.g. partner, tone, topic, therapy]Gesprächs- [z. B. Partner, Ton, Thema, Therapie]
conversational {adj}
conversational {adj}dialogorientiert
conversational {adj}plauderhaft
conversational {adj} [able to carry on a conversation]konversationsfähig
2 Wörter: Andere
counter-conversational {adj}
a-dialogisch [auch: adialogisch]
2 Wörter: Substantive
conversational atmosphereGesprächsklima {n}
conversational behavior [Am.]Gesprächsverhalten {n}
conversational behaviour [Br.]Gesprächsverhalten {n}
conversational communicationDialogbetrieb {m}
conversational EnglishUmgangsenglisch {n}
conversational etiquetteSprachgewohnheiten {pl} [allgemein akzeptierte]
conversational gambit [fig.]Gesprächseinstieg {m}
conversational gambit [fig.]Gesprächsaufhänger {m}
conversational language
Umgangssprache {f}
conversational maxim
Konversationsmaxime {f}
conversational modeDialogmodus {m}
conversational modeGesprächsmodus {m}
conversational mode
Dialogbetrieb {m} [interaktiver Betrieb]
conversational partnerGesprächspartner {m}
conversational speech
Konversationssprache {f}
conversational speech
Spontansprache {f} [frei formuliertes, unvorbereitetes Sprechen im Alltag]
conversational strategyGesprächsstrategie {f}
conversational styleGesprächsstil {m}
conversational systemDialogsystem {n}
conversational talentTalent {n}, Gespräche zu führen
conversational therapy
Gesprächstherapie {f}
conversational toneGesprächston {m}
conversational topicGesprächsthema {n}
3 Wörter: Substantive
conversational viral marketing
Mundpropaganda {f}
4 Wörter: Andere
in a conversational tone {adv}im Plauderton
34 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'conversational' von Englisch nach Deutsch

conversational {adj}





conversational {adj} [e.g. partner, tone, topic, therapy]
Gesprächs- [z. B. Partner, Ton, Thema, Therapie]
conversational {adj} [able to carry on a conversation]

counter-conversational {adj}
a-dialogisch [auch: adialogisch]ling.

conversational atmosphere
Gesprächsklima {n}
conversational behavior [Am.]
Gesprächsverhalten {n}
conversational behaviour [Br.]
Gesprächsverhalten {n}
conversational communication
Dialogbetrieb {m}
conversational English
Umgangsenglisch {n}
conversational etiquette
Sprachgewohnheiten {pl} [allgemein akzeptierte]
conversational gambit [fig.]
Gesprächseinstieg {m}

Gesprächsaufhänger {m}
conversational language
Umgangssprache {f}ling.
conversational maxim
Konversationsmaxime {f}ling.
conversational mode
Dialogmodus {m}

Gesprächsmodus {m}

Dialogbetrieb {m} [interaktiver Betrieb]comp.
conversational partner
Gesprächspartner {m}
conversational speech
Konversationssprache {f}ling.

Spontansprache {f} [frei formuliertes, unvorbereitetes Sprechen im Alltag]ling.med.psych.
conversational strategy
Gesprächsstrategie {f}
conversational style
Gesprächsstil {m}
conversational system
Dialogsystem {n}
conversational talent
Talent {n}, Gespräche zu führen
conversational therapy
Gesprächstherapie {f}psych.
conversational tone
Gesprächston {m}
conversational topic
Gesprächsthema {n}

conversational viral marketing
Mundpropaganda {f}market.

in a conversational tone {adv}
im Plauderton
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Study material is divided into themed lessons, each based around common conversational scenarios.
  • Huang helped Microsoft and Azure Cognitive Services achieve multiple industry's first human parity milestones on the following open research tasks: transcribing conversational speech, machine translation, conversational QnA, and computer vision image captioning.
  • The University of Wroclaw team entering Conversational Intelligence Challenge of the 2017 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017) used Wikiquote to produce a conversational talker module for extraction of rare words.
  • An African-American Vernacular English substrated, -izzle-pattern slang term meaning cool, also used as conversational and improvisationally-rhythmic conversational and lyrical filler.
  • The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization.

  • This, in turn, suggests a dichotomy between a male desire for conversational dominance – noted by Helena Leet-Pellegrini with reference to male experts speaking more verbosely than their female counterparts – and a female aspiration to group conversational participation.
  • DX10 in a conversational format.
  • These opportunities are conversational interactions and oral language practice between the teacher and students, and students with other students.
  • At that time the department hired Brian Curneal and Christopher Brogan of Lansing, MI to teach ESL and Conversational English.
  • The occurrence of a form in a wide range of conversational environments can result in the gradual loss of morphological features which are not appropriate to some particular conversational environments as well as the morphological gain of features which are appropriate to other conversational environments.

  • ai, formerly known as Yellow Messenger, is an enterprise conversational AI platform founded in 2016 and headquartered in San Mateo, California.
  • In April 2020, Mars participated in a TEDx Talk titled "Why conversational AI is taking over our world" hosted at an independently-organized TEDx event.
  • Unith’s conversational AI is a B2B service where Unith delivers conversational AI capabilities to its clients, enabling them to automate customer service, marketing, sales, and education with interactive capability that corresponds with audio and visual elements.
  • These simple full break-in channel turn over protocols literally mimic the conversational style in which people interrupt each other mid-syllable during normal voice conversations.
  • Patients will produce conversational phrases with melodies that the patients are familiar with to practice the real conversation that the patients may need in their daily life.

  • The middle ground between adapters and symbolic gestures is occupied by conversational gestures.
  • A conversational approach is thought to provide opportunities for development and the use of strategies to overcome barriers to communication.
  • Grice also distinguishes between generalised and particularised conversational implicature.
  • The CMS in the name refers to the Conversational Monitor System, a component of the product that is a single-user operating system that runs in a virtual machine and provides conversational time-sharing in VM.
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