| NOUN | a culture | cultures |
| VERB | to culture | cultured | cultured culturing | cultures |
| SYNO | acculturation | civilisation | civilization | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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- Cancel Culture {f} [systematischer Boykott von Personen oder Organisationen, denen diskriminierende Haltungen vorgeworfen werden] = cancel culture
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- The three methods of outgrowing are pond culture, pen culture, and cage culture.
- Then he states that the 'Internet Culture' is structured by four kinds of culture including: 'the techno-meritocratic culture', 'the hacker culture', 'the virtual communication culture', and 'the entrepreneurial culture'.
- Huntington is influenced by Appalachian Culture, Southern culture, Midwestern culture, and Mid-Atlantic culture.
- The Poltavka culture emerged as an eastern outgrowth of the Yamnaya culture, neighboring the Catacomb culture, another Yamnaya successor, in the west.
- The culture ended at around 3500 BC, when the Yamnaya culture expanded westward replacing Serednii Stih, and coming into direct contact with the Cucuteni–Trypillia culture culture in western Ukraine.
- About 7000 years ago, people living in Songjiang created four types of unique culture: Majiabang Culture, Songze Culture, Liangzhu Culture and Guangfulin Culture, which laid a solid foundation of multicultural characteristics of Shanghai Culture.
- Europeans in the United States have a different culture from American culture. For example, Irish culture is different from American culture.
- Angolan culture has been heavily influenced by Portuguese culture, especially in language and religion, and the culture of the indigenous ethnic groups of Angola, predominantly Bantu culture.
- The culture of Jiangxi refers to the culture of the people based in or with origins in Jiangxi province, China.
- Multi-cordoned Ware culture or Multiroller ceramics culture, translations of the [...] , [...] also known as the Multiple-relief-band ware culture, the Babyno culture and the Mnogovalikovaya kul'tura (MVK), are archaeological names for a Middle Bronze Age culture of Eastern Europe.
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