 Übersetzung für 'cw' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Curaçao <.an, .cw>
Curaçao {n}
2 Wörter
calendar week <CW>Kalenderwoche {f} <KW>
call waiting <CW>
Anklopfen {n}
chemical warfare {sg} <CW>
chemische Waffen {pl} <CW>
clockwise rotation <CW rotation>
Rechtsdrehung {f}
continuous wave <cw, CW>
kontinuierliche Welle {f} <cw, CW>
continuous wave <CW>
Dauerstrich {m}
cortisol withdrawal <CW>
Cortisolentzug {m}
CW light
Gleichlicht {n}
3 Wörter
Cockcroft-Walton generator <CW generator>
Cockcroft-Walton-Generator {m}
continuous-wave laser <cw laser>
Dauerstrichlaser {m}
continuous-wave laser <cw laser>
cw-Laser {m} [auch: CW-Laser]
continuous-wave radar <CW radar>
Dauerstrichradar {n}
13 Übersetzungen
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  • Stirnwiderstand {m} <cw> = drag coefficient <cd, cx>
  • Strömungswiderstandskoeffizient {m} <cw, cw-Wert> = drag coefficient <cd, cx>
  • chemische Waffen {pl} <CW> = chemical warfare {sg} <CW>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • According to the Köppen climate classification, the district is in two climate zones, tropical wet and dry or savanna (aw) and sub-tropical humid (cw).
  • The university is currently entrusted with oversight of the nation's ".cw" Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD).
  • In the intermediate case (neither cw, nor short pulse operation), the rate equations for excitation and relaxation in the optical medium must be considered together.
  • 235 cw thanks in part to a panoramic windshield. Some of the car's aerodynamic features made it into production form on both the 1984 Opel Kadett E and the 1986 Opel Omega - most evidently its front end styling.
  • Mercedes creates with the EQS a production car with the lowest cw-coefficient of 0.2.

  • A client ("cw") broadcasts a message to the system and once a server receives the inquiry, it sends a reply message to the client.
  • 7 um have operated in cw mode up to a maximum temperature of 118 °C.
  • za/new-cw-report-raises-red-flags-potential-risks-in-procurement-processes/ and https://www.corruptionwatch.org.za/new-cw-report-on-trends-in-procurement-deviations-expansions-and-debarment/.
  • cw is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Curaçao.
  • The design was very aerodynamic for its time, with a drag coefficient ("cx" or "cw") of 0.30.

  • In May 2006, the station obtained the website domain name, theozarkscw.com; this web address redirected to The CW's network website for a time until the station's website officially launched.
  • The i30cw (a.k.a. i30 estate, also known as Elantra Touring) was released in South Korea at the Seoul Motor Show in 2007, and is marketed worldwide under slightly different names.
  • The name "Leckwith" is an anglicisation of the Welsh "Lecwydd", with the common replacement of Welsh <-dd> by English <-th> (as in "Gruffudd">"Griffith").
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