| math. (d'Alembert's) ratio test | Quotientenkriterium {n} | |
| math. d'Alembert's ratio test | d'Alembert-Kriterium {n} | |
Teiltreffer |
| phys. d'Alembert's paradox | d'alembertsches Paradoxon {n} | |
| phys. d'Alembert's paradox | d'Alembert'sches Paradoxon {n} | |
| phys. D'Alembert's principle | d'Alembertsches Prinzip {n} | |
| phys. D'Alembert's principle | D'Alembert'sches Prinzip {n} | |
| constr. California bearing ratio test <CBR test> | California-Bearing-Ratio-Versuch {m} <CBR-Versuch> | |
| audioMedTech.telecom. signal-to-noise ratio <SNR, S/N ratio> | Signal-zu-Rausch-Abstand {m} <SNR, S/N-Abstand> | |
| med. cup-to-disc ratio <C/D ratio, CDR> | C/D-Verhältnis {n} | |
| electr. signal-to-error ratio <S/E-ratio> [also: signal/error ratio] | Signal-Fehler-Verhältnis {n} [auch: Signal/Fehler-Verhältnis] | |
| electr. signal / noise ratio <SNR, S/N ratio> | Signal / Rauschabstand {m} <SNR, S/N-Abstand> [Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis, (Signal-) Rauschabstand] | |
| acid test ratio | Einschätzung {f} der Kreditwürdigkeit | |
| acc.fin. acid test ratio <ATR> | Liquidität {f} zweiten Grades | |
| math.stat. likelihood ratio test <LRT> | Likelihood-Ratio-Test {m} <LRT> | |
| philos. Doctor of Philosophy <DPhil, PhD, DPh, D.Phil., Ph.D., D.Ph.> | Doktor {m} der Philosophie <Dr. phil.> | |
| educ. Doctor of Engineering <D.Eng, D.Engr., Dr.Eng., Eng.D> | Doktoringenieur {m} <Dr.-Ing.> | |
| constr. cement/water ratio <c/w ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Zement-Wasser-Wert {m} <z/w-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] | |
| constr. cement-water ratio <c/w ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Zement-Wasser-Wert {m} <z/w-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] | |
| constr. water/cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasser-Zement-Wert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] | |
| constr. water to cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasserzementwert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] | |
| constr. water to cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasser-Zement-Wert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] | |
| constr. water to cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasser-Zement-Verhältnis {n} <w/z-Verhältnis> [z. B. von Beton] | |
22 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'd'Alembert's ratio test' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- (d'Alembert's) ratio test
- Quotientenkriterium {n}math.
- d'Alembert's ratio test
- d'Alembert-Kriterium {n}math.
- d'Alembert's paradox
- d'alembertsches Paradoxon {n}phys.
d'Alembert'sches Paradoxon {n}phys.
- D'Alembert's principle
- d'Alembertsches Prinzip {n}phys.
D'Alembert'sches Prinzip {n}phys.
- California bearing ratio test <CBR test>
- California-Bearing-Ratio-Versuch {m} <CBR-Versuch>constr.
- signal-to-noise ratio <SNR, S/N ratio>
- Signal-zu-Rausch-Abstand {m} <SNR, S/N-Abstand>audioMedTech.telecom.
- cup-to-disc ratio <C/D ratio, CDR>
- C/D-Verhältnis {n}med.
- signal-to-error ratio <S/E-ratio> [also: signal/error ratio]
- Signal-Fehler-Verhältnis {n} [auch: Signal/Fehler-Verhältnis]electr.
- signal / noise ratio <SNR, S/N ratio>
- Signal / Rauschabstand {m} <SNR, S/N-Abstand> [Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis, (Signal-) Rauschabstand]electr.
- acid test ratio
- Einschätzung {f} der Kreditwürdigkeit
- acid test ratio <ATR>
- Liquidität {f} zweiten Gradesacc.fin.
- likelihood ratio test <LRT>
- Likelihood-Ratio-Test {m} <LRT>math.stat.
- Doctor of Philosophy <DPhil, PhD, DPh, D.Phil., Ph.D., D.Ph.>
- Doktor {m} der Philosophie <Dr. phil.>philos.
- Doctor of Engineering <D.Eng, D.Engr., Dr.Eng., Eng.D>
- Doktoringenieur {m} <Dr.-Ing.>educ.
- cement/water ratio <c/w ratio> [e.g. of concrete]
- Zement-Wasser-Wert {m} <z/w-Wert> [z. B. von Beton]constr.
- cement-water ratio <c/w ratio> [e.g. of concrete]
- Zement-Wasser-Wert {m} <z/w-Wert> [z. B. von Beton]constr.
- water/cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete]
- Wasser-Zement-Wert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton]constr.
- water to cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete]
- Wasserzementwert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton]constr.
Wasser-Zement-Wert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton]constr.
Wasser-Zement-Verhältnis {n} <w/z-Verhältnis> [z. B. von Beton]constr.
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