Übersetzung für '
dacoity' von Englisch nach Deutsch
1 Übersetzung
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- Twelve of them were arrested while planning another dacoity in an abandoned factory.
- Widow of assassinated Additional Registrar of Supreme Court Syed Hamad Raza, Shabana Raza Monday has alleged police are trying to turn the assassination into a dacoity incident and said that her husband was targeted.
- The case for the Kakori dacoity was concluded by imposing the death sentence on Bismil, Khan, Lahiri, and Roshan.
- Muzaffarnagar district gained notoriety in the 20th century with frequent incidents of loot, murders, kidnappings and dacoity.
- Farooq Bandial (a politician from Punjab's Khushab district) along with other four men committed armed dacoity at the house of Shabnam in Gulberg area of Lahore on 13 May 1978.
- The court is responsible for cases relating to murders, theft, dacoity, pick-pocketing and other such cases.
- At the time of his surrender, he had amassed a total of 94 police cases, including 18 cases of dacoity, 28 of kidnapping, 19 of attempt to murder and 17 cases of murder.
- In Sriperumbudur, they killed a schoolgirl and injured her parents grievously while committing a dacoity.
- They are demanded by the police in offences such as murder, dacoity, robbery, and rape and all other offenses.
- They have traditionally had a reputation for alleged dacoity.
- The Thuggee and Dacoity Suppression Acts, 1836–48 in British India under East India Company rule were a series of legal acts that outlawed "thugee"—a practice in North and Central India involving robbery and ritualized murder and mutilation on highways—and dacoity, a form of banditry prevalent in the same region, and prescribed punishment for the same.
- In early 1908, Pulin organized the sensational Barrah Dacoity.
- Soon, the dacoity was suppressed and Sitaram became the saviour of the masses, after which he began to be compared to the village deity Nishanath.
- The statements of Ali Mohammed Hajyano, accused in 32 FIRs of various crimes including murder, dacoity, burglary and sexual abuse, have left police officials startled over the viciousness of his crimes.
- Local mafia indulged in dacoity and kidnapping. Slowly, executives and professionals began to leave and the factories were mismanaged.
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