 Übersetzung für 'deceased people' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a deceased person | deceased persons / deceased people
deceased (people)Heimgegangene {pl} [geh.] [Verstorbene]
deceased {adj}tot
deceased (persons)Entschlafene {pl} [Verstorbene]
deceased personToter {m}
the deceaseddie Entseelten {pl} [geh.]
deceased motherverstorbene Mutter {f}
deceased {adj} {past-p} <d.>abgeschieden [geh.] [verstorben]
deceased personAbgeschiedener {m} [geh.]
deceased personverstorbene Person {f}
deceased partner
verstorbener Gesellschafter {m}
the deceased {pl}die Verstorbenen {pl}
deceased fatherverstorbener Vater {m}
deceased {adj} {past-p} <d.>verlebt [veraltet] [verstorben]
deceased {adj} {past-p} <d.>weiland [veraltet] [indekl.] [verstorben]
deceased personsAbgeschiedene {pl} [geh.]
Drawer deceased.Aussteller verstorben.
the deceased [male]der Verlebte {m} [veraltet]
the deceased [male]der Verstorbene {m}
recently deceased personkürzlich verstorbene Person {f}
the deceased [male]der Entseelte {m} [geh.]
deceased donor kidney
postmortale Spenderniere {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In many traditional accounts, ghosts were often thought to be deceased people looking for vengeance (vengeful ghosts), or imprisoned on earth for bad things they did during life.
  • The second part is a series of interviews with spirits of deceased people, thus exemplifying the working truth of the doctrine previously detailed.
  • 'The majority' or 'the silent majority' can be traced back to the Roman writer Petronius, who wrote "abiit ad plures" (he is gone to the majority) to describe deceased people, since the dead outnumber the living.
  • In some Australian Aboriginal cultural groups, the "naming and depiction of recently deceased people is often prohibited under customary law and the mourning period may last for weeks, months or years".
  • Mediums who claim to have contact with deceased people include Tyler Henry and Pascal Voggenhuber.

  • The New Jersey Turnpike is noted for naming its service areas after notable deceased people who had a connection to New Jersey.
  • When he was tied to a bed in the charity shop he reveals he has the supernatural gift of being able to speak with the voices of deceased people he has never met, although it seems he cannot directly commune with the dead, as evidenced by the unconvincing medium act he performed when his circus came to town the previous year.
  • There is another service to stop mail to deceased people.
  • There are many companies that secure digital identities after death or legally pass those on to the deceased people's families.
  • Relatives of deceased people do not necessarily themselves have to pay the debts of the deceased, but debts must be paid by the deceased person's estate.

  • The system integrates the income tax with fees paid for the general old age pension system (AOW), the pension system for partners of deceased people (), and the national insurance system for special medical care ().
  • David Deutsch, British physicist and pioneer in the field of quantum computing, formerly agreed with Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the idea of resurrecting deceased people with the help of quantum computers but he is critical of Tipler's theological views.
  • The story is set in a future 1992 where psychic powers are utilized in corporate espionage, while cryonic technology allows recently deceased people to be maintained in a lengthy state of hibernation.
  • Cultured organs can be an alternative for organs from other (living or deceased) people.
  • This is a list of bisexual people, specifically notable people who identify as bisexual and deceased people who have been identified as bisexual.

  • He requested vote recounts from Croatia's Constitutional Court stating that many deceased people were not only registered to vote but also cast votes in the election; a problem that the Croatian government has faced multiple times.
  • Other common beliefs are the existence of deities called Orixás, most of them syncretized with Catholic saints that act as divine energy and forces of nature; spirits of deceased people that counsel and guide practitioners through troubles in the material world; psychics, or "mediums", who have a natural ability that can be perfected to bring messages from the spiritual world of Orixás and the guiding spirits; reincarnation and spiritual evolution through many material lives (karmic law) and the practice of charity and social fraternity.
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