 Übersetzung für 'design and development' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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design and development
Entwicklung {f}
design and development <D&D>
Design und Entwicklung <D & E, D&E>
4 Wörter: Substantive
design and development inputs
Entwicklungs­eingaben {pl}
design and development outputs
Entwicklungs­ergebnisse {pl}
design and development phase
Entwurfs- und Entwicklungs­phase {f}
design and development planning
Entwicklungs­planung {f}
design and development review
Entwicklungs­bewertung {f}
design and development validation
Entwicklungs­validierung {f}
design and development verification
Entwicklungs­verifizierung {f}
planning, design and development
Planung, Gestaltung und Entwicklung
5+ Wörter: Substantive
control of design and development changes
Lenkung {f} von Entwicklungs­änderungen
textile and surface designTextil- und Flächengestaltung {f}
textile and surface designTextil- und Flächendesign {n}
compact and robust designkompakte und robuste Konstruktion {f}
aesthetics and design studies
Kunst- und Designwissenschaft {f}
design and construction testBauprüfung {f}
word and design mark
Wort-Bild-Marke {f} [auch: Wortbildmarke]
day and night designTag- und Nachtdesign {n}
word and design mark
Wortbildmarke {f}
architecture and interior design
Architektur und Innenarchitektur
training and developmentAus- und Weiterbildung {f}
textile and surface pattern designTextil- und Flächen-Design {n}
configuration and development tools
Konfigurations- und Entwicklungs­werkzeuge {pl}
research and development fundForschungs­- und Entwicklungs­fonds {m}
drug discovery and development
Arzneimittelforschung und -entwicklung {f}
drug discovery and development
Wirkstoffforschung und -entwicklung {f}
research and development pipelineForschungs­- und Entwicklungs­pipeline {f}
urban development and planning
Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]
urban and regional development
Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung {f}
research and development companyForschungs­- und Entwicklungs­gesellschaft {f}
research and development fundingForschungs­förderungs­mittel {n}
31 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'design and development' von Englisch nach Deutsch

design and development
Entwicklung {f}QM
design and development <D&D>
Design und Entwicklung <D & E, D&E>econ.

design and development inputs
Entwicklungs­eingaben {pl}QM
design and development outputs
Entwicklungs­ergebnisse {pl}QM
design and development phase
Entwurfs- und Entwicklungs­phase {f}engin.ind.QM
design and development planning
Entwicklungs­planung {f}QM
design and development review
Entwicklungs­bewertung {f}QM
design and development validation
Entwicklungs­validierung {f}econ.ind.QM
design and development verification
Entwicklungs­verifizierung {f}QM
planning, design and development
Planung, Gestaltung und EntwicklungQM

control of design and development changes
Lenkung {f} von Entwicklungs­änderungenQM

textile and surface design
Textil- und Flächengestaltung {f}

Textil- und Flächendesign {n}
compact and robust design
kompakte und robuste Konstruktion {f}
aesthetics and design studies
Kunst- und Designwissenschaft {f}arteduc.
design and construction test
Bauprüfung {f}
word and design mark
Wort-Bild-Marke {f} [auch: Wortbildmarke]lawmarket.

Wortbildmarke {f}comm.lawmarket.
day and night design
Tag- und Nachtdesign {n}
architecture and interior design
Architektur und Innenarchitekturarchi.educ.
training and development
Aus- und Weiterbildung {f}
textile and surface pattern design
Textil- und Flächen-Design {n}
configuration and development tools
Konfigurations- und Entwicklungs­werkzeuge {pl}comp.
research and development fund
Forschungs­- und Entwicklungs­fonds {m}
drug discovery and development
Arzneimittelforschung und -entwicklung {f}pharm.

Wirkstoffforschung und -entwicklung {f}med.pharm.
research and development pipeline
Forschungs­- und Entwicklungs­pipeline {f}
urban development and planning
Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung [auch Studiengangsbezeichnung]acad.admin.urban
urban and regional development
Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung {f}acad.urban
research and development company
Forschungs­- und Entwicklungs­gesellschaft {f}
research and development funding
Forschungs­förderungs­mittel {n}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • David Degenkolb for the design and development of the Unilux H3000 Strobe Lighting System.
  • It is known for its mechanical engineering and automotive engineering courses, and also for its three international master's programs (MBA in International Industrial Management, MEng in Automotive Systems, MEng in Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical Engineering), which are organised by the Esslingen Graduate School and taught completely in English.
  • In March 2006, the specialist design and development department in Polaroid's Vale of Leven plant in Scotland was bought out by its management team.
  • VITA offers a comprehensive FAQ to assist with the front end design and development of VME systems.
  • Additional regulations are detailed in the Sustainable Design and Development Policy.

  • Michael Tompsett was awarded the 2010 National Medal of Technology and Innovation, for pioneering work and electronic technologies including the design and development of the first CCD imagers.
  • For this reason, CFD is one of the key computational tools used in design and development of gas turbine engines.
  • According to the terms of reference, the master planning process was to include a review of relevant data, selection of a capital city site, preparation of regional and city plans and the accompanying design and development standards manual.
  • The National Institute of Design and development (NID) in Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar is internationally acclaimed as one of the foremost multi-disciplinary institutions in the field of design education and research.
  • This specialty focuses on compilers and operating systems design and development.

  • Alenia Aermacchi has a share of more than 4% in the Eurofighter program, for the design and development of wing pylons, twin missile and twin store carriers, ECM pods, carbon fiber structures and titanium engine cowlings.
  • During the design and development of new products, designers and engineers rely on both a bottom-up and top-down approach.
  • The decision to develop was influenced by what could be learnt about missile design and development in the US.
  • The Mads Clausen Institute in Sønderborg is engaged in the design and development of software for integration in the intelligent products of the future.
  • Washington recognizes that collaborating on system design and development for wireless radio systems enables emergency responder agencies to efficiently provide additional services, increase interoperability, and reduce long-term costs.

  • The original design and development of the Synclavier prototype occurred at Dartmouth College with the collaboration of Jon Appleton, Professor of Digital Electronics, Sydney A.
  • Shrapnel is named after Lieutenant-General Henry Shrapnel (1761–1842), a British artillery officer, whose experiments, initially conducted on his own time and at his own expense, culminated in the design and development of a new type of artillery shell.
  • "Armor Supremacy" was not as successful, but is a look at the constant design and development of new types of tanks during World War II.
  • Porsche's design and development efforts paid off during the 1978 European Car of the Year, where the 928 won ahead of the BMW 7 Series, and the Ford Granada.
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