Übersetzung für '
die-forging' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- In commercial impression-die forging, the workpiece is usually moved through a series of cavities in a die to get from an ingot to the final form.
- The process is mainly used to provide optimized material distribution for subsequent die forging processes.
- In open die forging a cylindrical billet is subjected to upsetting between a pair of flat dies or platens.
- Four-die forging device is a special forging tool designed for manufacturing forgings with long axis by four-side radial forging method in conventional open-die hydraulic forging press.
- Equipment includes hydraulic vertical die-forging presses from 1250 to 30000 ton-force, hydraulic forging press with capacity of 6000 ton-force, radial ring forging press.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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