| NOUN | dihedral | dihedrals |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
11 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Some biplanes have different degrees of dihedral/anhedral on different wings.
- In biochemistry, a Janin plot, like a Ramachandran plot, is a way to visualize dihedral angle distributions in protein structures.
- In mathematics, the generalized dihedral groups are a family of groups with algebraic structures similar to that of the dihedral groups.
- Roll mode can be improved by dihedral effects coming from design characteristics, such as high wings, dihedral angles or sweep angles.
- The dihedral angle of a Euclidean regular dodecahedron is ~116.6°, so no more than three of them can fit around an edge in Euclidean 3-space.
- Below are the first five dihedral symmetries: D2 ...
- The dihedral angles between the mirrors determine order of dihedral symmetry.
- the rotated and flipped regular p-gons that comprise the dihedral group of order 2p.
- When the term "dihedral" (of an aircraft) is used by itself it is usually intended to mean "dihedral "angle". However, context may otherwise indicate that "dihedral "effect" is the intended meaning.
- For simple non-planar cyclobutanes, dihedral angles range from 19 to 31°.
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