| ADJ | double | - | - |
| NOUN | a double | doubles |
| VERB | to double | doubled | doubled doubling | doubles |
| SYNO | bivalent | double | doubled | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| double {adj} {adv} | doppelt 1046 | |
| double {adj} | Doppel- 107 | |
| double {adj} {adv} | zweifach 67 | |
| double {adj} {adv} | zwiefach [veraltend] 11 | |
| gastr. double {adj} [e.g. a double cognac / vodka] | doppelstöckig [ugs.] [z. B. einen doppelstöckigen Cognac / Wodka] | |
Verben |
| naut. to double sth. | etw. umsegeln 12 | |
| to double | (sich) doppeln | |
| to double | (sich) verdoppeln | |
| to double | (sich) verzweifachen [selten] [(sich) verdoppeln] | |
| to double [fold sth. double] | dublieren | |
| to double [fold sth. double] | doublieren | |
| games to double [skat, bridge, etc.] | kontrieren | |
| games to double [skat, bridge, etc.] | Kontra geben | |
| games to double [skat] | Kontra sagen | |
| to double sth. [take two layers] | etw. doppelt nehmen [Stoff etc.] | |
Substantive |
| double | Doppelgänger {m} 92 | |
| gastr. double [whisky etc.] | Doppelter {m} 89 | |
| mus. double | Double {m} [Diminuition] 24 | |
| games double [dice] | Pasch {m} [Dublette] 18 | |
| double | Double {n} 10 | |
| sports double | Ruderdoppelzweier {m} | |
| double [female] | Doppelgängerin {f} | |
| double [fold, plait] | Falte {f} [bei gefaltetem Material] | |
| games double [skat] | Kontra {n} | |
| print double [twice typeset word or line] | Hochzeit {f} [doppelt gesetztes Wort oder Zeile] | |
| sports double <2x> [two-person shell] | Doppelzweier {m} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| bent double {adj} [person] | zusammengekrümmt | |
| bent double {adj} [postpos.] | doppelt gebogen | |
| mus. double diminished {adj} {past-p} | hartvermindert | |
| mus. double diminished {adj} {past-p} | doppelt vermindert [auch: doppelt-vermindert] | |
| tech. double insulated {adj} {past-p} | schutzisoliert | |
| archi.constr. double reinforced {past-p} | doppelt bewehrt | |
| double spaced {adj} | zweizeilig | |
| double stitched {adj} | zwiegenäht | |
| rail double tracked {adj} | zweigleisig | |
| double-acting {adj} | zweifachwirkend | |
| double-acting {adj} | doppelt wirkend | |
| tech. double-acting {adj} | doppeltwirkend | |
| MedTech.tools double-action {adj} [e.g. scissors, jaws] | doppelbeweglich [z. B. Greifzange] | |
| tech. double-angled {adj} | doppelt gewinkelt | |
| tech. double-angled {adj} | doppelt abgewinkelt | |
| weapons double-barreled {adj} [Am.] | doppelläufig | |
| double-barreled {adj} [Am.] [Aus.] [question, remark, etc.] | zweideutig [doppelsinnig] | |
| double-barreled {adj} [Am.] [Aus.] [strategy, approach, etc.] | zweigleisig [fig.] | |
| weapons double-barrelled {adj} [Br.] | doppelläufig | |
| double-barrelled {adj} [Br.] [ambiguous] | amphibolisch [geh.] [zweideutig, doppelsinnig] | |
| double-bitted {adj} | zweischneidig [Axt] | |
| acad.med. double-blind {adj} | doppelblind | |
| cloth. double-breasted {adj} | zweireihig | |
| cloth. double-breasted {adj} | doppelreihig [Anzug, Jacke] | |
| double-butted {adj} | doppeldickend <DD> [doppelt konifiziert] | |
| tech. double-butted {adj} [attr.] | doppelt konifiziert | |
| double-checked {adj} {past-p} | nachkontrolliert | |
| mus. double-chested {adj} [attr.] [of a musical instrument] | doppelt ausgebaucht | |
| mus. double-chested {adj} [attr.] [of a musical instrument] | mit doppeltem Resonanzkasten [nachgestellt] | |
| mus. double-chested {adj} [attr.] [of a musical instrument] | mit doppeltem Resonanzkörper [nachgestellt] | |
| phys. double-chirped {adj} [mirrors] | doppelt gechirpt [Spiegel] | |
| weapons double-column {adj} [attr.] [e.g. magazine] | zweireihig [z. B. Stangenmagazin] | |
| double-columned {adj} | zweispaltig | |
| tools double-cut {adj} | zweihiebig [Feile] | |
| double-dealing {adj} | unaufrichtig | |
| railtransp. double-deck {adj} [attr.] | doppelstöckig | |
| double-digit {adj} [attr.] | zweistellig | |
| chem. double-distilled {adj} {past-p} | bidestilliert | |
| double-dyed {adj} [fig.] | in der Wolle gefärbt [fig.] [Redewendung] | |
| double-edged {adj} | zweischneidig | |
| double-end {adj} [attr.] | doppelendig | |
| double-ended {adj} | zweiseitig | |
| double-ended {adj} | doppelendig | |
| double-ended {adj} | doppelseitig | |
| double-faced {adj} | heuchlerisch [pej.] | |
| double-faced {adj} | doppelgesichtig [auch fig.] | |
| electr. double-fed {adj} | doppeltgespeist | |
| double-fermented {adj} | doppelt fermentiert | |
| sports double-footed {adj} [attr.] [football / soccer player] | beidbeinig [mit beiden Beinen gleich geschickt] | |
| double-gaited {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [dated] [bisexual] | bisexuell | |
| double-glazed {adj} | doppelverglast | |
| double-headed {adj} | zweiköpfig | |
| double-headed {adj} | doppelköpfig | |
| double-jointed {adj} | sehr gelenkig | |
| double-layer {adj} [attr.] | doppellagig | |
| double-layer {adj} [attr.] | zweischichtig | |
| double-layer {adj} [attr.] | doppelschichtig | |
| tech. double-layered {adj} | doppellagig | |
| constr. double-leaf {adj} [attr.] [e.g. wall] | zweischalig [z. B. Wand] | |
| double-leafed {adj} | zweiflügelig | |
| double-leaved {adj} [door] | zweiflügelig [Tür] | |
| med.MedTech. double-lumen {adj} [attr.] <2-lumen> | zweilumig <2-lumig> | |
| double-minded {adj} [attr.] [bibl. or rare] [treacherous, insincere] | betrügerisch [unaufrichtig] | |
| double-minded {adj} [attr.] [bibl. or rare] [undecided, vacillating] | wankelmütig [geh.] [pej.] [unentschlossen] | |
| journ.print double-page {adj} [attr.] | doppelseitig | |
| double-parked {adj} {past-p} | in zweiter Reihe geparkt | |
| electr. double-pole {adj} [attr.] | bipolar | |
| electr. double-pole {adj} [attr.] | zweipolig | |
| electr. double-pole {adj} [attr.] | doppelpolig | |
| double-quick {adj} {adv} | in null Komma nichts [ugs.] | |
| dent. double-rooted {adj} | zweiwurzelig | |
| dent. double-rooted {adj} | zweiwurzlig [Rsv.] | |
| med. double-running {adj} [attr.] [e.g. suture] | doppelt fortlaufend [z. B. Naht] | |
| double-sealing {adj} | doppelt dichtend | |
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Übersetzung für 'double' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- double {adj} {adv}
- doppelt
zwiefach [veraltend]
- double {adj}
- Doppel-
- double {adj} [e.g. a double cognac / vodka]
- doppelstöckig [ugs.] [z. B. einen doppelstöckigen Cognac / Wodka]gastr.
- to double sth.
- etw. umsegelnnaut.
- to double
- (sich) doppeln
(sich) verdoppeln
(sich) verzweifachen [selten] [(sich) verdoppeln]
- to double [fold sth. double]
- dublieren
- to double [skat, bridge, etc.]
- kontrierengames
Kontra gebengames
- to double [skat]
- Kontra sagengames
- to double sth. [take two layers]
- etw. doppelt nehmen [Stoff etc.]
- double
- Doppelgänger {m}
Double {m} [Diminuition]mus.
Double {n}
Ruderdoppelzweier {m}sports
- double [whisky etc.]
- Doppelter {m}gastr.
- double [dice]
- Pasch {m} [Dublette]games
- double [female]
- Doppelgängerin {f}
- double [fold, plait]
- Falte {f} [bei gefaltetem Material]
- double [skat]
- Kontra {n}games
- double [twice typeset word or line]
- Hochzeit {f} [doppelt gesetztes Wort oder Zeile]print
- double <2x> [two-person shell]
- Doppelzweier {m}sports
- bent double {adj} [person]
- zusammengekrümmt
- bent double {adj} [postpos.]
- doppelt gebogen
- double diminished {adj} {past-p}
- hartvermindertmus.
doppelt vermindert [auch: doppelt-vermindert]mus.
- double insulated {adj} {past-p}
- schutzisolierttech.
- double reinforced {past-p}
- doppelt bewehrtarchi.constr.
- double spaced {adj}
- zweizeilig
- double stitched {adj}
- zwiegenäht
- double tracked {adj}
- zweigleisigrail
- double-acting {adj}
- zweifachwirkend
doppelt wirkend
- double-action {adj} [e.g. scissors, jaws]
- doppelbeweglich [z. B. Greifzange]MedTech.tools
- double-angled {adj}
- doppelt gewinkelttech.
doppelt abgewinkelttech.
- double-barreled {adj} [Am.]
- doppelläufigweapons
- double-barreled {adj} [Am.] [Aus.] [question, remark, etc.]
- zweideutig [doppelsinnig]
- double-barreled {adj} [Am.] [Aus.] [strategy, approach, etc.]
- zweigleisig [fig.]
- double-barrelled {adj} [Br.]
- doppelläufigweapons
- double-barrelled {adj} [Br.] [ambiguous]
- amphibolisch [geh.] [zweideutig, doppelsinnig]
- double-bitted {adj}
- zweischneidig [Axt]
- double-blind {adj}
- doppelblindacad.med.
- double-breasted {adj}
- zweireihigcloth.
doppelreihig [Anzug, Jacke]cloth.
- double-butted {adj}
- doppeldickend <DD> [doppelt konifiziert]
- double-butted {adj} [attr.]
- doppelt konifizierttech.
- double-checked {adj} {past-p}
- nachkontrolliert
- double-chested {adj} [attr.] [of a musical instrument]
- doppelt ausgebauchtmus.
mit doppeltem Resonanzkasten [nachgestellt]mus.
mit doppeltem Resonanzkörper [nachgestellt]mus.
- double-chirped {adj} [mirrors]
- doppelt gechirpt [Spiegel]phys.
- double-column {adj} [attr.] [e.g. magazine]
- zweireihig [z. B. Stangenmagazin]weapons
- double-columned {adj}
- zweispaltig
- double-cut {adj}
- zweihiebig [Feile]tools
- double-dealing {adj}
- unaufrichtig
- double-deck {adj} [attr.]
- doppelstöckigrailtransp.
- double-digit {adj} [attr.]
- zweistellig
- double-distilled {adj} {past-p}
- bidestilliertchem.
- double-dyed {adj} [fig.]
- in der Wolle gefärbt [fig.] [Redewendung]
- double-edged {adj}
- zweischneidig
- double-end {adj} [attr.]
- doppelendig
- double-ended {adj}
- zweiseitig
- double-faced {adj}
- heuchlerisch [pej.]
doppelgesichtig [auch fig.]
- double-fed {adj}
- doppeltgespeistelectr.
- double-fermented {adj}
- doppelt fermentiert
- double-footed {adj} [attr.] [football / soccer player]
- beidbeinig [mit beiden Beinen gleich geschickt]sports
- double-gaited {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [dated] [bisexual]
- bisexuell
- double-glazed {adj}
- doppelverglast
- double-headed {adj}
- zweiköpfig
- double-jointed {adj}
- sehr gelenkig
- double-layer {adj} [attr.]
- doppellagig
- double-layered {adj}
- doppellagigtech.
- double-leaf {adj} [attr.] [e.g. wall]
- zweischalig [z. B. Wand]constr.
- double-leafed {adj}
- zweiflügelig
- double-leaved {adj} [door]
- zweiflügelig [Tür]
- double-lumen {adj} [attr.] <2-lumen>
- zweilumig <2-lumig>med.MedTech.
- double-minded {adj} [attr.] [bibl. or rare] [treacherous, insincere]
- betrügerisch [unaufrichtig]
- double-minded {adj} [attr.] [bibl. or rare] [undecided, vacillating]
- wankelmütig [geh.] [pej.] [unentschlossen]
- double-page {adj} [attr.]
- doppelseitigjourn.print
- double-parked {adj} {past-p}
- in zweiter Reihe geparkt
- double-pole {adj} [attr.]
- bipolarelectr.
- double-quick {adj} {adv}
- in null Komma nichts [ugs.]
- double-rooted {adj}
- zweiwurzeligdent.
zweiwurzlig [Rsv.]dent.
- double-running {adj} [attr.] [e.g. suture]
- doppelt fortlaufend [z. B. Naht]med.
- double-sealing {adj}
- doppelt dichtend
- Double {m} [Diminuition] = double
- Double {n} = double
- Double {n} = stand-in
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Tandon introduced a double-sided drive in 1978, doubling the capacity, and this new “double sided double density” (DSDD) format increased capacity to 360 KB.
- Double patterning lithography was first demonstrated in 1983 by D.C.
- With a standard double-twelve set the double twelve is placed in the station. In each successive round the next lower double is used until all doubles are used. The double-blank is the final round.
- The term "negative double" was initially employed to distinguish it from the "penalty", or "business", or "positive" double, and signified a double over an opponent's opening bid whose meaning was a request for partner to bid his best suit.
- Frye finished his four-year career at Arizona with eight double-doubles in 12 NCAA Tournament appearances while registering 93 double-figure-point and 35 double-figure-rebound games.
- Some order the "triple double," which consists of double cheese, double sausage and double beef.
- In filmmaking, a double is a person who substitutes for another actor such that the person's face is not shown.
- Aldebaran and several nearby stars are included in double star catalogues such as the Washington Double Star Catalog as WDS 04359+1631 and the Aitken Double Star Catalogue as ADS 3321.
- It is a detached six-bay double-height building on a cruciform plan comprising a four-bay double-height nave which opens into single-bay double-height transepts all centred on a single-bay double-height chancel.
- In typography the double cross (U+2021 ‡) is called double dagger, double obelisk and diesis.
- Around 1800, newer patterns were introduced using reversible ('double-figured' or 'double-ended') courts and trumps.
- In addition to the double-double arithmetic, it is also possible to generate triple-double or quad-double arithmetic if higher precision is required without any higher precision floating-point library.
- The earliest evolutionary forms of Cycloneritimorpha show double visceral organs, double gills, and normally a double-chambered heart.
- A double-double refers to a basketball achievement where a player accumulates double digits in two of a certain five statistical categories in a single game.
- Round-off + back handspring + full-twisting double layout; round-off + back handspring + laid-out double Arabian (Dos Santos II); double turn; switch leap + tour jeté 1/2 + tour jeté 1/1; round-off, back handspring, double layout; double leap + leap jump; front pike + round-off + back handspring + double pike.
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