 Übersetzung für 'dystopia' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a dystopia | dystopias
dystopiaDystopie {f} [Antiutopie]
dystopiaAntiutopie {f}
renal dystopia
Nierendystopie {f}
dystopia of the thyroid gland
Schilddrüsendystopie {f}
4 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • An appearance of a widened nasal bridge can be seen with dystopia canthorum, which is a lateral displacement of the inner canthi of the eyes.
  • The show's name comes from George Orwell's 1948 novel 1984, a dystopia in which Big Brother is the all-seeing, omnipotent leader of Oceania.
  • A dystopia is a community or society that is in some important way undesirable or frightening.
  • "This Perfect Day" is a science fiction novel by American writer Ira Levin, about a technocratic dystopia.
  • "Kazohinia" is a utopia/dystopia modelled partly on "Gulliver's Travels" by the Irishman Jonathan Swift, and therefore pertains to both utopian and travel genres.

  • The show's name comes from George Orwell's 1948 novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four", a dystopia in which Big Brother is the all-seeing, omnipotent leader of Oceania.
  • "We" (...) is an upcoming Russian dystopian film directed by Hamlet Dulyan, a screen adaptation of the dystopia of the same name by Yevgeny Zamyatin.
  • In 1998, "digital dystopia" was used to describe negative effects of multichannel television on society. "Cyber-dystopia" was coined in 1998 in connection with cyber-punk literature.
  • Dystopia/utopia is a social art project based on photography and scenario work.
  • Halbertsma described a familial pattern to dystopia canthorum, and in 1930, Italian physician Vincenzo Gualdi (1891–1976) also confirmed a hereditary pattern to dystopia canthorum.

  • The novel is set in the same near-future dystopia as the darkly comic Byliner serial "Positron" which was released online.
  • More recently, he has chosen to combine crime novels with dystopia, imagining a reappearing police chief, whilst the action takes place in a near future period.
  • Vertical orbital dystopia can occur in facial clefts when the orbital floor and/or the maxilla is involved in the cleft.
  • "Holleman’s work addresses concepts of utopia and dystopia, utilitarianism, environmentalism, and ideas about creating utopian architectures for "a better world".
  • His work is a hybrid of eco-surrealism and dystopia that express a concern and anxiety for our time and the Earth's future.

  • Writer-director Gerald McMorrow wrote the original science fiction script "Franklyn" as his feature debut. It depicts a similar dystopia to his 2002 short "Thespian X".
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