 Übersetzung für 'e mail system' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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e-mail system
E-Mail-System {n}
to e-maileinen E-Brief schreiben
elektronische Post {f}
elektronischer Brief {m}
e-mail message
E-Mail {f} [bes. österr., schweiz., südd. auch {n}]
e-mail vault
E-Mail-Tresor {m} [E-Mail-Archivierung, -Archivierungs­dienst, -Archivierungs­service]
by e-mail {adv}
per E-Mail
e-mail address
E-Mail-Adresse {f}
to e-mail (sb.)
(jdm.) ein E-Mail schreiben [bes. österr., schweiz., südd.]
e-mail retention
E-Mail-Archivierung {f}
e-mail attachment
E-Mail-Anhang {m}
e-mail server
E-Mail-Server {m} [auch: E-Mailserver]
e-mail worm
E-Mail-Wurm {m} [auch: E-Mailwurm]
to e-mail sb.
jdm. e-mailen
by e-mail {adv}
mit elektronischer Post
to e-mail sb.
jdm. emailen
to e-mail (sb.)
(jdm.) eine E-Mail schreiben
to send an e-mail
eine E-Mail senden
e-mail distribution list
Mailverteiler {m} [E-Mail-Verteilerliste]
to e-mail a texteinen Text als elektronischen Brief senden
notification via e-mail
Benachrichtigungs­mail {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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  • E-Mail-System {n} = e-mail system
  • E-Mail-Verkehr {m} = email train [coll.]
  • E-Mail-Verschlüsselung {f} = e-mail encryption [also: email encryption]
  • E-Mail-Schwemme {f} = glut of e-mails
  • Bestätigungs-E-Mail {f} {n} = confirmation email
  • E-Mail-Kopie {f} = carbon copy <CC>
  • unzustellbare E-Mail {f} = bounced email
  • E-Mail-Disclaimer {m} = email disclaimer
  • E-Mail-Abbinder {m} = email boilerplate
  • E-Mail-Konto {n} = email account
  • E-Mail-Kettenbrief {m} = e-mail chain letter
  • E-Mail-Verteilerliste {f} = e-mail distribution list
  • E-Mail-Adresse {f} = e-mail address
  • E-Mail-Flut {f} = flood of emails
  • E-Mail-Verkehr {m} = email traffic
  • E-Mail-Archivierung {f} = e-mail retention
  • E-Mail-Client {m} = e-mail client [also: email client]
  • E-Mail-Versand {m} = emailing
  • per E-Mail = by e-mail
  • E-Mail-Entschlüsselung {f} = e-mail decryption [also: email decryption]
  • E-Mail-Anhang {m} = e-mail attachment
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In "Hamidi" the California Supreme Court held that a former Intel Corporation employee's e-mails to current Intel employees, despite requests by Intel to stop sending messages, did not constitute trespass of Intel's e-mail system.
  • net e-mail system until his departure from JPSnet in 1999.
  • Fotki e-mail system features a spam filter with 20 levels of sensitivity, address book and the ability to create custom folders to organize messages.
  • Most access is to a government-controlled national intranet and an in-country e-mail system.
  • On July 27, 2007, Medison reported that its e-mail system had failed due to heavy traffic, and stated that the company offers a full refund for undelivered orders.

  • Started as a play-by-mail game, the rise of the Internet gave way for the game's evolution to a play-by-e-mail system.
  • SailMail is radio based e-mail system designed for boat owners operating beyond line-of-sight radio links to the internet.
  • Over 400 computers are available to staff and students throughout the district. All faculty and staff have access to a GroupWise e-mail system.
  • The official also said Kerik may have access to something called TRULINCS, a prison e-mail system that allows inmates to exchange e-mails with people (typically family members or friends) on an approved list.
  • For example, through the metaverse an organization's e-mail system can be linked to its human resources database to the organization's PBX system to any other data repository containing relevant user information.

  • Keychains were initially developed for Apple's e-mail system, PowerTalk, in the early 1990s.
  • He asked them to find a reasonable Macintosh-based e-mail system that offered both LAN and modem support, a real GUI, and supported both private e-mail as well as public discussion areas (forums).
  • Early usage was mostly one-to-one communication, either between two people or a person to an automated Bulletin Board or E-mail system.
  • BlitzMail was an e-mail system used at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, United States.
  • The project aims to devise a method to do this without introducing additional challenge-response mechanisms and third parties, and without requiring extra maintenance and updates, while retaining the current architecture of the e-mail system.

  • Their e-mail system, GroupWise, was integrated with NDS, and Novell released many other directory-enabled products such as ZENworks and BorderManager.
  • Leiba's interest in e-mail began in the early 1980s, with IBM's PROFS system, and with a proprietary e-mail system developed for an IBM customer.
  • WINMOR is a radio transmission protocol intended to be used in the Winlink 2000 Global Radio E-mail System by amateur radio operators, marine radio stations, and radio stations in isolated areas.
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