 Übersetzung für 'each time' von Englisch nach Deutsch
each timejeweils
each time {adv}jedes Mal
each time {adv}jedesmal [alt]
each time {adj}jedesmalig [veraltet]
3 Wörter
at each time {adv}jedes Mal
at each time {adv}jedesmal [alt]
5+ Wörter
... each time before the XYZ is inserted again.... vor jedem erneuten Einsetzen der XYZ.
at each point in time {adv}zu jedem Zeitpunkt
Each time I come in ...Jedes Mal, wenn ich hereinkomme, ...
each {adj}jegliche [nachdrücklich für "jede"]
each {adj}jeglicher [nachdrücklich für "jeder"]
each {adv}jeweils [jeder Einzelne]
each {adj}jegliches [nachdrücklich für "jedes"]
each year {adv}jährlich
each other {adv}gegenseitig
each weekend {adv}an jedem Wochenende
each day {adv}jeden Tag
to each other {adv}zueinander
one ... eachjeweils ein ...
each one {pron}jeder
each day {adv}tagtäglich
of each {pron}jedesGen.
each other {pron}sich [einander]
each (one)ein jeglicher [substantivisch] [veraltet]
each individualjeder Einzelne {m}
each {adv} <ea.>je [jeweils]
each one {pron}ein jeder
each other {pron}einander
to goad each othersich gegenseitig hochschaukeln [ugs.]
29 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Storing such views saves the expensive computing them each time they are needed.
  • As a booting client may be assigned a different IP address each time from a DHCP server, it is not possible to provide static DNS assignments for such clients.
  • The databases have very fast insert/update performance because only a small amount of data in those tables is affected each time a transaction is processed.
  • Since this cannot be perfectly controlled in a mobile environment, each time slot must have a guard time, which reduces the probability that users will interfere, but decreases the spectral efficiency.
  • Neely explores how the Confederacy became a virtual police state with guards and patrols all about, and a domestic passport system whereby everyone needed official permission each time they wanted to travel.

  • The Rockies have qualified for the postseason five times, each time as a Wild Card winner.
  • Each time a ball is roqueted, the striker gets two bonus shots.
  • The reed stays pressed against the mouthpiece until either the springiness of the reed forces it to open or a returning pressure wave 'bumps' into the reed and opens it. Each time the reed opens, a puff of air goes through the gap, after which the reed swings shut again.
  • For example, where an expression can be executed during compilation and the results inserted into the output program, then it prevents it having to be recalculated each time the program runs, which can greatly speed up the final program.
  • Tyre pressure is dependent on the temperature of the tyre and track when racing. Each time a driver pulls into the pits, the tyre pressure and temperature should be tested for optimal performance.

  • Subsequent major insurrections took place in 1598 and in 1655. Each time the Mapuche and other native groups revolted, the southern border of the colony was driven northward.
  • In the normal course of business, a document is produced each time a transaction occurs.
  • Only one basket is used, and the ball must be "taken back" or "cleared" – passed or dribbled outside the three-point line each time possession of the ball changes from one team to the other.
  • In baseball statistics, a player is credited with a plate appearance (denoted by PA) each time he completes a turn batting.
  • In straight rail, a player scores a point and may continue shooting each time his cue ball makes contact with both other balls.

  • The "Rights of Woman" is a long (almost 87,000 words) essay that introduces all of its major topics in the opening chapters and then repeatedly returns to them, each time from a different point of view.
  • Each new processor added to the system will add less usable power than the previous one. Each time one doubles the number of processors the speedup ratio will diminish, as the total throughput heads toward the limit of 1/(1 − "p").
  • For the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the largest denomination in the Latter-day Saint movement, Apostolic Succession involves the leadership of the church being established through the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Each time the President of the Church dies, the most senior apostle, who is designated as the President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, is set apart as the new church president.
  • The BIOS contain patches to the processor microcode that fix errors in the initial processor microcode; microcode is loaded into processor's SRAM so reprogramming is not persistent, thus loading of microcode updates is performed each time the system is powered up.
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