 Übersetzung für 'ebullioscopic' von Englisch nach Deutsch
ADJ   ebullioscopic | more ebullioscopic | most ebullioscopic
ebullioscopic {adj}ebullioskopisch
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'ebullioscopic' von Englisch nach Deutsch

ebullioscopic {adj}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • This improvement made the ebullioscope a standard apparatus to determine the molecular weight of substances in solution by using the ebullioscopic constant of the solvent.
  • Cryoscopy is related to ebullioscopy, which determines the same value from the ebullioscopic constant (of boiling point elevation).
  • However, the cryoscopic constant is larger than the ebullioscopic constant, and the freezing point is often easier to measure with precision, which means measurements using the freezing-point depression are more precise.
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