 Übersetzung für 'entwines' von Englisch nach Deutsch
VERB   to entwine | entwined | entwined
entwining | entwines
sth. entwinesetw. umrankt
sth. entwinesetw. umschlingt
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'entwines' von Englisch nach Deutsch

sth. entwines
etw. umrankt

etw. umschlingt
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • This historical fiction entwines the fate of two upper-class females, Rose, a British immigrant and wife to powerful native business man Ram with Sonali, a highly educated young civil servant.
  • He agrees to explain himself over the course of seven nights, and proceeds to tell a story that entwines Pip's life with his own.
  • Ideally, the lockstitch is formed in the centre of the thickness of the material — that is, ideally the upper thread entwines the lower thread in the middle of the material.
  • They are being taught to observe and test how archeology entwines with culture.
  • Meanwhile, he delights in playing mind games by engaging in disorienting and poetic discourse that entwines truth and lies.

  • This book very cleverly entwines fact with fiction, and Whiteley's assassination being involved is the first example that comes to mind.
  • Crispin further entwines himself into court life and finds reason to continue living through his task of decorating the great sanctuary, through which he sees a chance of immortality.
  • Probing two points of contact between European migrants and northern Queensland, the play entwines the experience of Latvian migrants in 1948 and the expeditions of Ludwig Leichhardt in 1845.
  • The film entwines the linguistic structure of Monique Wittig’s 1969 feminist novel "Les Guérillères" with the material and conceptual ground of the Caribbean.
  • The story is about how fate entwines their lives.

  • The series is in the tradition of contemporary women artists' critique of war that entwines images of male sexuality and military aggression.
  • In her writing she entwines the stories of her patients, her own stories, and decades of research to help us identify the links between our life struggles and the "emotional inheritance" we all carry.
  • The plot entwines four young men of differing ethnic make-up: Santinathan is a Tamil, Guan Kheng a Chinese, Sabran a Malay and Peter D'Almeida a Eurasian.
  • When Caradoc the Younger tries to stop him, Eliavres summons a serpent that entwines itself around Caradoc's arm, crippling it and draining his life energy away.
  • Further proposed etymology entwines connection with the word "vuy" (Ukr. 'maternal uncle'), suggested by [...] This establishes the blood relationship between the two for some commentators.

  • The second story entwines the lives of those characters' parents: the mother of one character works in the local liquor store; the father of the other works for the telephone company.
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