Übersetzung für '
enucleated' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| ADJ | enucleated | - | - |
| VERB | to enucleate | enucleated | enucleated enucleating | enucleates |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
3 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Gurdon demonstrated that the nucleus from a differentiated frog intestinal epithelial cell can generate a fully functional tadpole via transplantation to an enucleated egg.
- Nuclear transfer was done, using electrical stimuli both to fuse the cultured cell with the enucleated egg and to kick start embryonic development.
- The technique consists of taking an enucleated oocyte (egg cell) and implanting a donor nucleus from a somatic (body) cell.
- One of the strikes enucleated one of his eyes.
- When an eruption is stopped by wiring the tooth germ on to the lower margin of the mandible or when the dental follicle remains undisturbed as the developing pre-molar is removed, osteoclasts enlarge the gubernacular canal while an eruptive pathway develops within the bone covering over the enucleated tooth.
- Smaller mandibular neoplasms have been enucleated where the cavity of the tumour is curetted, allowing preservation of the bone cortex and the lower border of the mandible.
- Cytoplasts are enucleated cells. This enucleation can be effected by simultaneous application of centrifugal force and treatment of the cell with an agent that disrupts the cytoskeleton.
- Kaufman proposed removing the corneas from the enucleated eyes and immersing the corneas in a type of tissue culture solution, which could maintain the health of the stored corneas for days.
- In the process of maturation, a basophilic pronormoblast is converted from a cell with a large nucleus and a volume of 900 fL to an enucleated disc with a volume of 95 fL.
- Current human cloning methods need to use the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), which requires an unfertilized egg from a female donor to have its nucleus removed, resulting in an enucleated egg.
- With Robert William Briggs, he worked on transplantation of somatic cell nuclei from adult frogs into enucleated oocytes this leading to the first clone of an animal in 1952.
- He also examined visual direction and egocentre location in enucleated and strabismic children and adults and studied the cyclops effect.
- The lack of visual dominance in the enucleated participants cannot be due to the overall reduction in visual input, as the monocular control group wearing an eye patch performed the same as the binocular normal control group.
- In some cases a modified technique is followed in which the first premolars are enucleated at the time of extraction of the deciduous first molar.
- He demonstrated the pathomechanism of the blindness during his first home leave in Belgium in 1932, when he found microfilariae in various tissues of an enucleated eye that he had brought home with him from the Sankuru: among other injurious effects, these microfilariae cause the severe eye inflammation.
- (September 21, 1870 – August 21, 1950) He was famously enucleated by Bert Waters during "The Bloodbath in Hampden Park".
- The Council concentrates its attention on the transfer of human material to animals, which it examines on the basis of three examples: cytoplasmic hybrids (cybrids), formed by the insertion of a human cell nucleus into an enucleated animal egg; transgenic animals with human genetic material; and the transfer of human cells into the brains of fetal or adult animals (brain chimeras).
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