 Übersetzung für 'enucleation' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   an enucleation | enucleations
Ausschälung {f}
enucleation [removal of the cell nucleus]
Entkernung {f} [Entfernen des Zellkerns]
Enukleation {f}
prostate enucleation
Prostataenukleation {f}
open prostate enucleation
Adenomenukleation {f} [offene Operation / Prostataoperation]
open prostate enucleation
offene Prostataoperation {f} [auch: offene Prostataenukleation]
6 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Treatment of CCE is usually by enucleation, followed by insertion of an ocular implant and prosthesis.
  • Treatment is by enucleation, or surgical removal.
  • The orbital implant is inserted at the time of enucleation.
  • Most common treatment is surgical enucleation due to well-encapsulated nature of odontomas allowing separation from surrounding bone.
  • Recurrence is likely when treated by simple enucleation.

  • The phantom eye syndrome (PES) is a phantom pain in the eye and visual hallucinations after the removal of an eye (enucleation, evisceration).
  • Self-enucleation also known as autoenucleation or oedipism is the self-inflicted enucleation (removal) of the eye.
  • He wrote one of the first accounts of a successful enucleation of the eye for tumour.
  • In comparing the effects of the total visual deprivation from enucleation with the partial deprivation from amblyopia and normal monocular vision, his research found enhanced perception of contrast-defined stimuli and mild impairments in motion perception as a function of monocular eye enucleation.
  • Although the treatment of the cyst was previously enucleation of the cyst with removal of the involved tooth or enucleation with root-canal treatment, the current management is enucleation with the preservation of the involved tooth.

  • If damage to the globe is irreparable, the ophthalmologist may conduct a primary enucleation, evisceration (ophthalmology), or exenteration in the combat hospital.
  • Procedures for MMCT differ slightly but they all require: the induction of multinucleation, enucleation (nuclear removal), and fusion.
  • Many studies have been done on monkeys and rats to see the development of transneuronal degeneration after damage to various parts of the brain. Enucleation of the eye creates transneuronal degeneration.
  • As a general surgical technique, enucleation refers to the surgical removal of a mass without cutting into or dissecting it.
  • Primary treatment can involve removal of the affected eye (enucleation); however, this is now reserved for cases of extreme tumor burden or other secondary problems.

  • Diseases of the endocrine pancreas occur very infrequently; these include insulinomas, gastrinomas etc. Surgery for these conditions range from simple tumor enucleation to more larger resections.
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