 Übersetzung für 'error text number' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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error text numberFehlertextnummer {f}
error textFehlertext {m}
error numberFehlernummer {f}
alternative text <alt. text>
Alternativtext {m}
alpha error error> [type I error]
Alpha-Fehler {m} <α-Fehler> [Fehler erster Art]
beta error error> [type II error]
Beta-Fehler {m} <β-Fehler> [Fehler zweiter Art]
Western text-type / text typewestlicher Texttyp {m}
Alexandrian text-type / text type
alexandrinischer Texttyp {m}
Caesarean text-type / text typeCäsareanischer Texttyp {m}
Byzantine text-type / text type
byzantinischer Texttyp {m}
identification number <ID number> Identifizierungs­nummer {f} <IdNr., ID-Nr., ID-Nummer>
identification number <ID number>Identifikationsnummer {f} <ID-Nummer>
quantum number <q-number>
Quantenzahl {f} <q-Zahl>
commutative number <c-number>
c-Zahl {f}
European number of identification <ENI, ENI number>
ENI-Nummer {f}
patient identification number <patient ID number>
Patientenkennnummer {f}
to texteine Kurznachricht versenden
to text
simsen [ugs.]
textText {m}
to texttexten
to texteine SMS senden
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Those holding such beliefs are then condemned by the text in no uncertain terms ("that they would only perish in their perfidy without drawing others with them"), deploring the great number of people who "relapse into pagan error" by holding such beliefs.
  • The metric is based on the calculation of the number of words that differ between a piece of machine-translated text and a reference translation.
  • "READY" message) and the number of error messages was reduced to only three ("WHAT?
  • Assuming all went well, this led to a subsequent final screen confirming successful dispatch, or if there were problems (such as a mistake in entering the Mailbox number) then an appropriate error frame was displayed.
  • The composite score, which decides the translation quality of a text, is the weighted sum of the errors normalized by the number of words in the source text (ibid.).

  • The problems involve not only whether a particular sermon or treatise is to be judged authentic or pseudonymous, but also, given the large number of manuscripts and the fragmentary condition of many of them, whether it is even possible to establish the text for some of the pieces accepted as genuine.
  • The Production issue tracking tool creates a request number and this request number is given to the support team.
  • Once the empty line is inserted in line 2, the line which reads "This is line number two."
  • The length of the encoded data depends on the number of cells in the matrix.
  • In the haste to reset the blocks a large number of mainly minor errors were introduced, the most famous of which is the substitution of a 't' for a 'k' that converted the Scots word 'skinking' (meaning watery) into 'stinking'.

  • As the mode is quite limited in the number of words that it can send, it only sends enough information to ensure a contact with each station.
  • The system included a number of default data types for the purpose of supporting data mining in a variety if scientific applications.
  • The use of line numbers to describe the location of errors remains standard in modern programming tools, even though line numbers are never required to be manually specified.
  • The dialect is not specified, but a number of details mean it does not run under early versions of Microsoft BASIC (4.x and earlier), among these the use of long variable names like [...] and [...].
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