 Übersetzung für 'error theory' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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error theory
Irrtumstheorie {f}
error theory
Fehlertheorie {f}
beta error error> [type II error]
Beta-Fehler {m} <β-Fehler> [Fehler zweiter Art]
alpha error error> [type I error]
Alpha-Fehler {m} <α-Fehler> [Fehler erster Art]
von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory <NBG set theory>
Neumann-Bernays-Gödel-Mengenlehre {f} <NBG-Mengenlehre>
Kelley-Morse set theory <KM set theory>
Kelley-Morse-Mengenlehre {f} [selten] [Morse-Kelley-Mengenlehre]
Morse-Kelley set theory <MK set theory>
Morse-Kelley-Mengenlehre {f} <MK-Mengenlehre>
Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory <BCS theory>
Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-Theorie {f} <BCS-Theorie>
valence bond theory <VB theory>
Valenzstrukturtheorie {f} [auch: VB-Theorie]
valence bond theory <VB theory>
Valenzbindungs­theorie {f} <VB-Theorie>
valence bond theory <VB theory>
Elektronenpaar-Theorie {f} [Valenzstrukturtheorie]
Kaluza-Klein theory <KK theory>
Kaluza-Klein-Theorie {f}
molecular orbital theory <MO theory>
Molekülorbitaltheorie {f} <MO-Theorie>
Tarski-Grothendieck set theory <TG, TG set theory>
Tarski-Grothendieck-Mengenlehre {f} <TG>
Heckscher-Ohlin theory <HOT, H-O-T, HO theory, H-O theory>
Faktorproportionentheorie {f}
Störvariable {f} [Fehler]
errorFehler {m} [Irrtum, Unrichtigkeit]
Störgröße {f} [Fehler]
errorVerirrung {f} [Irrtum]
errorIrrtum {m}
errorAbweichung {f}
balanced errorsymmetrischer Fehler {m}
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'error theory' von Englisch nach Deutsch

error theory
Irrtumstheorie {f}philos.

Fehlertheorie {f}philos.stat.

beta error <β error> [type II error]
Beta-Fehler {m} <β-Fehler> [Fehler zweiter Art]stat.
alpha error <α error> [type I error]
Alpha-Fehler {m} <α-Fehler> [Fehler erster Art]stat.
von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory <NBG set theory>
Neumann-Bernays-Gödel-Mengenlehre {f} <NBG-Mengenlehre>math.
Kelley-Morse set theory <KM set theory>
Kelley-Morse-Mengenlehre {f} [selten] [Morse-Kelley-Mengenlehre]math.
Morse-Kelley set theory <MK set theory>
Morse-Kelley-Mengenlehre {f} <MK-Mengenlehre>math.
Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory <BCS theory>
Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-Theorie {f} <BCS-Theorie>phys.
valence bond theory <VB theory>
Valenzstrukturtheorie {f} [auch: VB-Theorie]chem.phys.

Valenzbindungs­theorie {f} <VB-Theorie>chem.phys.

Elektronenpaar-Theorie {f} [Valenzstrukturtheorie]chem.phys.
Kaluza-Klein theory <KK theory>
Kaluza-Klein-Theorie {f}phys.
molecular orbital theory <MO theory>
Molekülorbitaltheorie {f} <MO-Theorie>chem.
Tarski-Grothendieck set theory <TG, TG set theory>
Tarski-Grothendieck-Mengenlehre {f} <TG>math.
Heckscher-Ohlin theory <HOT, H-O-T, HO theory, H-O theory>
Faktorproportionentheorie {f}econ.
Störvariable {f} [Fehler]tech.

Fehler {m} [Irrtum, Unrichtigkeit]

Störgröße {f} [Fehler]tech.

Verirrung {f} [Irrtum]

Irrtum {m}

Abweichung {f}
balanced error
symmetrischer Fehler {m}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Moral error theory is a position characterized by its commitment to two propositions: (i) all moral claims are false and (ii) we have reason to believe that all moral claims are false.
  • moral relativism, and individualist ethical subjectivism), as well as to moral realism (which claims that moral propositions refer to objective facts, independent of anyone's attitudes or opinions), error theory (which denies that any moral propositions are true in any sense), and non-cognitivism (which denies that moral sentences express propositions at all).
  • Mackie's "error theory" suggests that false beliefs should be stripped away from a mental concept without eliminating the concept itself, the legitimate core meaning being left intact.
  • This seems to devolve into an error theory. If there are no composite objects, how can we make sense of our ordinary understanding of reality which accepts the existence of composite objects?
  • In the late 1970s, mathematician Ian McKiggan developed his theory of exponential longitude error theory to explain discrepancies, although he modified this position after a public exchange of opinion with W.

  • Topics of his chair included: "Fifth-order image error theory, analytical approaches to optical systems, theory and measurements of the transfer function, mathematical methods of automatic correction, partially coherent imaging and modeling of the photolithographic process".
  • In his 1977 book "Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong" John Anderson's student John Mackie defended an "error theory" of morality, holding that the idea of moral obligation was a mistake.
  • This has stimulated the development of both error theory and meta-ethics as moves to either review or to strengthen the basis of our inherited value systems.
  • The system draws upon the 'deliberate error theory', utilized by US Navy pilots during World War II to relocate their aircraft carriers.
  • Most forms of cognitivism hold that some such propositions are true (including moral realism and ethical subjectivism), as opposed to error theory, which asserts that all are erroneous.

  • Cognitivism is so broad a thesis that it encompasses (among other views) moral realism (which claims that ethical sentences express propositions about mind-independent facts of the world), ethical subjectivism (which claims that ethical sentences express propositions about peoples' attitudes or opinions), and error theory (which claims that ethical sentences express propositions, but that they are all false, whatever their nature).
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