22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- In biology, a reticulation of a single-access identification key connects different branches of the identification tree to improve error tolerance and identification success.
- Two preconditions need to be met for successful communication across protocols: encapsulation and error tolerance.
- Some methods use a fixed step through the interval, and others use an adaptive step that can shrink or grow automatically to maintain an acceptable error tolerance.
- Patel and colleagues have recently argued for new paradigm for error studies, where instead of zero error tolerance, detection and correction of potential error is viewed as an integral part of cognitive work in a complex workplace.
- , using an optimal number of steps given a local error tolerance.
- Using this calculated step size with an error tolerance of less than half of the machine epsilon yields a symplectic integration.
- Among other things, the nature of the tasks, the algorithmic complexity, the hardware architecture on which the algorithms will run as well as required error tolerance, must be taken into account.
- Error tolerance decreases as nominal quantity increases, by alternating intervals of a given "percentage" error with intervals of a given "amount" error: these interpolate between the stepwise decreases in percentage error.
- This reduces the density of physical pits on the disc and provides an additional degree of error tolerance.
- In PAC learning, error tolerance refers to the ability of an algorithm to learn when the examples received have been corrupted in some way.
- The comparison is more meaningful if the question is recast as ”what is the computational cost to achieve a given error tolerance?
- Her work extends to networks in a very general sense, involving for instance investigations on the error tolerance and attack vulnerability of complex networks and its applications to the vulnerability of the North American power grid.
- Jones has argued that certain sectors requiring very high quality work and with very low error-tolerance can only exist and thrive given access to a high-IQ population, because in such sectors, it is not possible to replace a single high-IQ worker by multiple low-IQ workers and achieve the same output.
- It can be shown that the error tolerance of a secure sketch can be improved by applying a probabilistic method to error correction with a high probability of success.
- An algorithm for computing the most significant points subject to a given error tolerance has been published.
- In charge of results searching and viewing in web interface there is Linux cluster high-availability, with balance features of requests loads and error tolerance if there is a technical disaster of nodes that integrate platform.
- The meaning of 'better and better' is subject to all the usual caveats for taking limits; for any error tolerance ε > 0 we require there be "N" sufficiently large for "n" ≥ "N" to ensure the 'difference' between μ"n" and μ is smaller than ε.
- system, the maximum number of measurements that can be made before the error tolerance, [...] , is exceeded is given by [...].
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