 Übersetzung für 'eye-witness' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   an eye-witness | eye-witnesses
eye witnessAugenzeuge {m}
eye witness [female]Augenzeugin {f}
eye-witnessAugenzeuge {m}
eye-witness [female]Augenzeugin {f}
eye-witness account
Augenzeugenbericht {m}
eye-witness report
Augenzeugenbericht {m}
6 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • During the 1070s and 1080 there appears to have been a renaissance of Norse religion with the magnificent Temple at Uppsala described in a contested account through an eye-witness by Adam of Bremen.
  • Additionally, there are many indications that eye-witness memory can often be fallible.
  • the father of the historian Orderic Vitalis, who is the main source for the foundation of the Abbey and probably an eye-witness.
  • An eye-witness to the French Revolution as one who was welcomed into the company of the highest levels of the French nobility (including the King and Queen) at the time of the fall of the Bastille in 1789, Young by 1792 had become an opponent of its violence and modified his reforming views on English politics.
  • There exists a nearly eye-witness narrative of the conflict, published in 1575, entitled A Brieff Discours off the Troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany, anno Domini 1554.

  • During World War II, Miller's work was used predominantly to "provide an eye-witness account" of the casualties of war.
  • Protesilaus, speaking from beyond the grave, is the oracular source of the corrected eye-witness version of the actions of heroes at Troy, related by a "vine-dresser" to a Phoenician merchant in the framing device that gives an air of authenticity to the narratives of Philostratus' "Heroicus", a late literary representation of Greek hero-cult traditions that developed independently of the epic tradition.
  • Since Julius wrote some four centuries after the latest of the events he describes, his is not an eye-witness account, and for most of his subject matter his source Livy was himself neither an eye-witness nor even a contemporary.
  • His 1942 book, "Last Train from Berlin: An Eye-Witness Account of Germany at War" describes his observations from Berlin in the year after the departure of "Berlin Diary" author William L.
  • However, there are few eye-witness accounts of the debate, and most accounts of the debate were written by scientists.

  • An eye-witness to this trial, Nolin, testified later that Scott was not present for the accusations of the charges against him nor for any evidence to support these accusations.
  • But since 2 Samuel records only the Amalekite's report, and not the report of any other eye-witness, some scholars theorize that the Amalekite may have been lying to try to gain favor with David.
  • His account of the circumcision of Sultan Mehmed II's sons in 1457 suggest he was an eye-witness to the event, and his account of Ottoman finances indicate he interviewed the Sultan's accountants.
  • For this reason, Thunberg has been called "the most important eye witness of Tokugawa Japan in the eighteenth century".
  • Dewan (prime minister) Purnaiah is said to have allowed it for a Brahmin widow in 1805, whereas an 1827 eye-witness to the burning of a widow in Bangalore in 1827 says it was rather uncommon there.

  • She was apparently the only eye-witness testifying in the trial and said she was in Panton Street with her child when she saw a group of people at the end of the street by the Haymarket and said she "saw a gentleman run from among them on the side of the way I was [...] they all ran after him: they were all in a great bustle".
  • Eye-witness accounts place the battle on the lake shore somewhere between [...] south of Fort Dearborn.
  • In 1792 he accompanied Lord Lauderdale to Paris, and witnessed some of the principal scenes of the Revolution.
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