| NOUN | an eyewitness report | eyewitness reports |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 Übersetzungen
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- From an independent eyewitness report to police on the night, it was indicated that Buswell was suffering from impaired coordination whilst driving and after returning to his Subiaco home.
- He entered the field at 84 minutes as a replacement for Marlon King (eyewitness report).
- An eyewitness report regarding the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster came from a camper who was at Delamar Dry Lake on the morning of February 1, 2003.
- Gerstein, a devout Protestant and later a member of the SS, wrote an eyewitness report about the gas chambers and, after the war, died as a POW.
- An account of the action was fabricated for Colburn's document accompanying the decoration, and Thompson's signature was forged on the eyewitness report.
- It is only known from subfossil bones and one brief eyewitness report.
- In 2008 he published a memoir "A Billion Lives: An Eyewitness Report from the Frontlines of Humanity" about his time at the UN from 2003 to 2006.
- He returned to London to broadcast the first full eyewitness report of the invasion.
- The citation praised "his dramatic and incisive eyewitness report of mob violence on September 23, 1957, during the integration crisis at the Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas."
- An early eyewitness report stated that an adult school staff member tried to intervene by grabbing Fryberg's arm, inadvertently causing him to fatally shoot himself in the neck.
- An earlier eyewitness report had said three people were killed.
- Much of Whitehead's reputation rests on a newspaper article which was written as an eyewitness report and describes his powered and sustained flight in Connecticut on 14 August 1901.
- According to Bernanos's eyewitness report, Bonaccorsi was "well to the fore in all religious manifestations" and "was usually supported by a chaplain picked up on the spot, in army-breeches and top-boots, a white cross on his chest and pistols stuck in his belt".
- One eyewitness report states a woman had heard whimpering sounds emanating from Black's van, parked outside a Dungloe pub, on this date.
- A subsequent eyewitness report given to Riverside investigators indicated Bates drove her Beetle in the direction of RCC at approximately 6:10 p.m.
- An eyewitness report states that, at the time of the Depayin massacre in May 2003, most of the victims killed were burnt and the remains dumped in the Mu river.
- The first section of the book consists of four previously published texts by Wolfe: "The Feature Game" and "Like a Novel" (published as "The Birth of "The New Journalism": An Eyewitness Report" and "The New Journalism: A la Recherche des Whichy Thickets", in the "New York Magazine," on February 14 and February 21, 1972); "Seizing the Power" and "Appendix" (published as "Why They Aren't Writing the Great American Novel Anymore", in "Esquire", December 1972).
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