Übersetzung für '
f stop' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| photo. f-stop | Blendenzahl {f} | |
| photo. f-stop | Blendenstufe {f} | |
| photo. f-stop | Position {f} der Blendeneinstellung | |
Teiltreffer |
| mus. F minor <f, Fm> | f-Moll {n} <f, Fm> | |
| chem.phys. flame atomic absorption spectrometry <FAAS, F-AAS, F AAS> | Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie {f} <F-AAS> | |
| chem.phys. flame atomic absorption spectrometry <FAAS, F-AAS, F AAS> | Flammentechnik {f} [Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie] | |
| MedTech.photo. base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog] | Grundschleier {m} | |
| photo. base plus fog <B+F, b&f> | Grundschleier {m} | |
| MedTech. radiography and fluoroscopy <R&F, R/F> | Röntgen und Durchleuchtung [Radiographie und Fluoroskopie] | |
| mus. F major <F> | F-Dur {n} <F> | |
| mus. F sharp <F♯> | Fis {n} <F♯> | |
| mus. F flat <F♭> | Fes {n} <F♭> | |
| math. f-prime of x <f'(x)> | f-Strich von x <f'(x)> | |
| unit degree Fahrenheit <degree F, °F> | Grad {m} {n} Fahrenheit <°F> | |
| mus. F sharp minor <F♯ minor> | fis-Moll {n} <fis, Fism, F♯m> | |
| math. f of x <f(x)> | f von x <f(x)> | |
| mus. F sharp major <F♯ major> | Fis-Dur {n} <Fis, F♯> | |
| tech. emergency stop device <e-stop device> | Einrichtung {f} zum Stillsetzen im Notfall | |
| chem. fluorine <F> | Fluor {n} <F> 86 | |
| electr.unit farad <F> | Farad {n} <F> 13 | |
| mus. F clef | F-Schlüssel {m} | |
| unit Fahrenheit <F> | Fahrenheit {n} <F> 36 | |
| meteo. F layer | Appleton-Schicht {f} | |
23 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'f stop' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- f-stop
- Blendenzahl {f}photo.
Blendenstufe {f}photo.
Position {f} der Blendeneinstellungphoto.
- F minor <f, Fm>
- f-Moll {n} <f, Fm>mus.
- flame atomic absorption spectrometry <FAAS, F-AAS, F AAS>
- Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie {f} <F-AAS>chem.phys.
Flammentechnik {f} [Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie]chem.phys.
- base fog <B+F, b&f> [base plus fog]
- Grundschleier {m}MedTech.photo.
- base plus fog <B+F, b&f>
- Grundschleier {m}photo.
- radiography and fluoroscopy <R&F, R/F>
- Röntgen und Durchleuchtung [Radiographie und Fluoroskopie]MedTech.
- F major <F>
- F-Dur {n} <F>mus.
- F sharp <F♯>
- Fis {n} <F♯>mus.
- F flat <F♭>
- Fes {n} <F♭>mus.
- f-prime of x <f'(x)>
- f-Strich von x <f'(x)>math.
- degree Fahrenheit <degree F, °F>
- Grad {m} {n} Fahrenheit <°F>unit
- F sharp minor <F♯ minor>
- fis-Moll {n} <fis, Fism, F♯m>mus.
- f of x <f(x)>
- f von x <f(x)>math.
- F sharp major <F♯ major>
- Fis-Dur {n} <Fis, F♯>mus.
- emergency stop device <e-stop device>
- Einrichtung {f} zum Stillsetzen im Notfalltech.
- fluorine <F>
- Fluor {n} <F>chem.
- farad <F>
- Farad {n} <F>electr.unit
- F clef
- F-Schlüssel {m}mus.
- Fahrenheit <F>
- Fahrenheit {n} <F>unit
- F layer
- Appleton-Schicht {f}meteo.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- For proper selection, the cinematographer needs that all lenses be engraved with T-stop, not f-stop so that the eventual light loss due to the glass doesn't affect the exposure control when setting it using the usual meters.
- Light falloff is also sensitive to f-stop. Many wide-angle lenses will show a significant light falloff (vignetting) at the edges for large apertures.
- This observation contrasts with the common notion that "focal length is twice as important to defocus as f/stop", which applies to a constant subject distance, as opposed to constant image size.
- In photography, ND filters are quantified by their optical density or equivalently their f-stop reduction.
- F-Spot is a slowly maintained image organizer, designed to provide personal photo management for the GNOME desktop environment. The name is a play on the word F-Stop.
- The exposure control system consists of a needle pointing along a vertical f-stop scale on the right side of the viewfinder to indicate the readings of the built-in light meter (center-weighted with a silicon photocell).
- Under the proposed western variant of the planned Better Market Street project, the outbound F stop would be moved across the intersection.
- Under the planned Better Market Street project, the inbound F stop would be discontinued to reduce travel times.
- ] stop or the flash-to-subject distance does "not" affect guide numbers because, by definition, choosing a different value for one factor is automatically accompanied by a reciprocal adjustment in the other.
- As the aperture is adjusted, the opening expands and contracts in increments called "f-stops".
- A lens typically has a set of marked "f-stops" that the f-number can be set to.
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