 Übersetzung für 'fable' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a fable | fables
VERB   to fable | fabled | fabled
fabling | fables
SYNO allegory | apologue | fable | ...
to fable [archaic] [invent fanciful stories; or: speak untruthfully]fabeln
fableMärchen {n}
Fabel {f}
fableMär {f} [dichter.]
2 Wörter
(poetic) fable
Fabelgedicht {n}
Aesopian fable
äsopische Fabel {f}
animal fable
Tierfabel {f}
beast fable
Tierfabel {f}
3 Wörter
fable in verse
Fabel {f} in Versen
realm of fable
Fabelreich {n} [Reich der Fabel]
4 Wörter
to separate fact from fable
Dichtung von Wahrheit unterscheiden
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
A Little Fable
Kleine Fabel [Franz Kafka]
The Fable
Fabel [Gustav Klimt]
The Fable of the Bees [B. Mandeville]
Die Bienenfabel
14 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • When John Lydgate produced "Isopes Fabules", the first fable collection written in English, the verse "Romulus" was a major source.
  • Support for the hypothesis that egocentrism, and the personality fable more specifically, predict risk-taking behaviours is considerable in North America.
  • His fable "A patkányok honfoglalása – Tanulságos mese fiatal magyaroknak" ("The Conquest by the Rats – A Fable for Young Hungarians"), which tells how rats take over a house, because they are tolerated by the magnanimous landowner, is considered paradigmatic for antisemitic story-telling.
  • The very first fable in "Rules for a Knight", on the subject of solitude, is a retelling of the Native American fable of "The Two Wolves".
  • The nonfiction ebook "The Screenwriter's Fairy Tale: The Universal Story Within All Movie Stories (a very brief fable)" is a 13-page ebook fable that shows how archetypal story patterns work in each act of a screenplay.

  • The genre of the Tale is not clearly defined. There are features of Allegory, Bestiary, Fable/Beast fable and Epic poetry.
  • The story is related to the original fable The Mouse Turned into a Maid, and to La Fontaine’s fable ‘La Chatte métamorphosée en femme’.
  • A variety of spin-off editions has been published in the past, some straying quite far from the theme of 'phrase and fable', such as "Brewer's Dictionary of Cinema" (1997) and William Donaldson's A–Z of 'roguish Britons', "Brewer's Rogues, Villains and Eccentrics" (2002).
  • Schleicher's fable is a text composed in a reconstructed version of the Proto-Indo-European (PIE) language, published by Schleicher in 1868.
  • The fable is made the subject of a poem by the first century CE Greek Poet Bianor, was included in the 2nd century fable collection of pseudo-Dositheus and later appears in the 4th–5th-century Latin verse collection by Avianus.

  • File:Parson Weems' Fable.jpg|"Parson Weems’ Fable" by Grant Wood; depicting both Weems and his fable about George Washington and the "Cherry Tree".
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