| NOUN | a fabulous beast | fabulous beasts |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- In Chickasaw mythology, Panti is a fabulous beast with exceptionally lovely teeth which it will exchange for lost baby teeth. It is similar to creatures like the Tooth Fairy and Ratoncito Pérez.
- In 2007, he was nominated for a UK Critics Circle National Dance Award (best male: modern dance) for performances at The Barbican in Fabulous Beast's production of "The Bull".
- During the siege his friend, Miller, is nearly crucified but saved when Cernunnos places a fabulous beast hatchling within him, infusing him with the Blue Fire.
- Medieval knowledge of the fabulous beast stemmed from biblical and ancient sources, and the creature was variously represented as a kind of wild ass, goat, or horse.
- <BR>He worked extensively with Fabulous Beast Dance Theatre (1998 to 2007) appearing in "Sunday Lunch", "Fragile", "The Flower Bed", "James, son of James" and the award-winning "Giselle".
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