Übersetzung für '
falsifier' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a falsifier | falsifiers |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
6 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The newspaper accused him of being a “Trotskyst falsifier”.
- Former professor emeritus of history at Yale University and a consultant for the Bosnian Institute, Ivo Banac, described Jović as an "ordinary falsifier of history", while in the same interview political analyst Žarko Puhovski commended Jović's argumentation as better than average in Croatian scientific community.
- In 1973 he was a member of the delegation that visited the Soviet Union with foreign secretary Alec Douglas-Home, being described by Soviet officials as a "falsifier of history" - a description for which he received an apology after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
- Zimin is certain that the author could only be Ioil Bykovsky, while Keenan is equally sure that only Josef Dobrovsky could be the falsifier.
- The Skolem function "f" (if it exists) actually codifies a winning strategy for the verifier of "S" by returning a witness for the existential sub-formula for every choice of "x" the falsifier might make.
- Leader of the board for the festival, Jesper Holte, defended the invitation by stating that "Our agenda is to invite a liar and a falsifier of history to a festival about truth.
- The semantic game [...] has two players, called Eloise (or Verifier) and Abelard (or Falsifier).
- It exposes others to facts that knowledge falsifiers know to be false.
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