Übersetzung für '
falsifiers' von Englisch nach Deutsch
| NOUN | a falsifier | falsifiers |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- This purely logical concept — falsifiable in principle, one might say — rests on a logical relation between the theory in question and the class of basic statements (or the potential falsifiers described by them).
- He branded those who tried to re-open churches as "former kulaks" and "falsifiers of figures".
- In Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy" poem "Inferno" (Canto 30), Sinon is seen in the Tenth Bolgia of Hell's Circle of Fraud where, along with other Falsifiers of words, he is condemned to suffer a burning fever for all eternity.
- Here she and other falsifiers such as the alchemists and the counterfeiters suffer dreadful diseases, Myrrha's being madness.
- It exposes others to facts that knowledge falsifiers know to be false.
- The political scientist Ronnee Schreiber writes that the conservative Independent Women's Forum continues as of 2012 to use the book to portray feminists as scheming falsifiers of statistical data.
- In 1948, one month after Nazi government foreign ministry documents describing the negotiations had been publicly released by the United States, the Soviet Foreign Information Bureau wrote a response in a book, "Falsifiers of History".
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