| NOUN | a fetus in fetu | fetuses in fetu |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| med.VetMed. fetus in fetu [Inclusio fetalis] | Foetus {m} in foeto | |
| med.VetMed. fetus in fetu [Inclusio fetalis] | Fetus {m} in fetu [fachspr. für: Foetus in foeto] | |
Teiltreffer |
| med. fetus | Fetus {m} 10 | |
| biol. fetus | Leibesfrucht {f} 7 | |
| med. fetus | Fötus {m} 61 | |
| archaeo.med.VetMed. mummified fetus | mumifizierter Fötus {m} | |
| med. miscarried fetus | Fehlgeburt {f} [Fötus] | |
| fetus position [Am.] | Fötusstellung {f} | |
| med. calcified fetus [Am.] | Steinkind {n} | |
| med. dead fetus delivery [Am.] | Totgeburt {f} | |
| med. harlequin fetus [Ichthyosis congenita gravis] | Harlekinfetus {m} | |
| med. jogging fetus [(fetal) behavioral state 4F] | Jogging Fetus {m} [Zustand F 4] [Gynäkologie] | |
| med. hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn <HDFN> [Am.] | hämolytische Krankheit {f} beim Feten und Neugeborenen <HDFN> | |
| med. haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn <HDFN> [Br.] | hämolytische Krankheit {f} beim Feten und Neugeborenen <HDFN> | |
| med. haemolytic disease of fetus and newborn [Br.] [ICD-10, P55, V. 2015] | hämolytische Krankheit {f} bei Feten und Neugeborenen [ICD-10, P55, V. 2015] | |
| med. Rh isoimmunization of fetus and newborn [ICD-10, P55.0, V. 2015] | Rh-Isoimmunisierung {f} bei Feten und Neugeborenen [ICD-10, P55.0, V. 2015] | |
| med. ABO isoimmunization of fetus and newborn [ICD-10, P55.1, V. 2015] | AB0-Isoimmunisierung {f} bei Feten und Neugeborenen [ICD-10, P55.1, V. 2015] | |
| med. fetus papyraceus [a dead fetus pressed flat by the growth of a living twin] | Fetus papyraceus {m} | |
| unit cubic inch <in³, cui, cu in, cu. in.> | Kubikzoll {m} | |
| in head-in-the-sand fashion {adv} [ostrich-like] | in Vogel-Strauß-Manier | |
| audiofilmunit inches per second <ips> <in/s> <in/sec> | Zoll {pl} pro Sekunde | |
| to be in-built in sb./sth. | jdm./etw. eigen sein | |
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'fetus in fetu' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- fetus in fetu [Inclusio fetalis]
- Foetus {m} in foetomed.VetMed.
Fetus {m} in fetu [fachspr. für: Foetus in foeto]med.VetMed.
- fetus
- Fetus {m}med.
Leibesfrucht {f}biol.
Fötus {m}med.
- mummified fetus
- mumifizierter Fötus {m}archaeo.med.VetMed.
- miscarried fetus
- Fehlgeburt {f} [Fötus]med.
- fetus position [Am.]
- Fötusstellung {f}
- calcified fetus [Am.]
- Steinkind {n}med.
- dead fetus delivery [Am.]
- Totgeburt {f}med.
- harlequin fetus [Ichthyosis congenita gravis]
- Harlekinfetus {m}med.
- jogging fetus [(fetal) behavioral state 4F]
- Jogging Fetus {m} [Zustand F 4] [Gynäkologie]med.
- hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn <HDFN> [Am.]
- hämolytische Krankheit {f} beim Feten und Neugeborenen <HDFN>med.
- haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn <HDFN> [Br.]
- hämolytische Krankheit {f} beim Feten und Neugeborenen <HDFN>med.
- haemolytic disease of fetus and newborn [Br.] [ICD-10, P55, V. 2015]
- hämolytische Krankheit {f} bei Feten und Neugeborenen [ICD-10, P55, V. 2015]med.
- Rh isoimmunization of fetus and newborn [ICD-10, P55.0, V. 2015]
- Rh-Isoimmunisierung {f} bei Feten und Neugeborenen [ICD-10, P55.0, V. 2015]med.
- ABO isoimmunization of fetus and newborn [ICD-10, P55.1, V. 2015]
- AB0-Isoimmunisierung {f} bei Feten und Neugeborenen [ICD-10, P55.1, V. 2015]med.
- fetus papyraceus [a dead fetus pressed flat by the growth of a living twin]
- Fetus papyraceus {m}med.
- cubic inch <in³, cui, cu in, cu. in.>
- Kubikzoll {m}unit
- in head-in-the-sand fashion {adv} [ostrich-like]
- in Vogel-Strauß-Manier
- inches per second <ips> <in/s> <in/sec>
- Zoll {pl} pro Sekundeaudiofilmunit
- to be in-built in sb./sth.
- jdm./etw. eigen sein
- Fetus {m} in fetu [fachspr. für: Foetus in foeto] = fetus in fetu [Inclusio fetalis]
- Fetus {m} = fetus
- Fetus {m} = foetus [Br.]
- Fetus papyraceus {m} = fetus papyraceus [a dead fetus pressed flat by the growth of a living twin]
- Jogging Fetus {m} [Zustand F 4] [Gynäkologie] = jogging fetus [(fetal) behavioral state 4F]
- erste Bewegungen {pl} des Fetus / Fötus [die von der Schwangeren wahrgenommen werden; ab der 16. - 20. Schwangerschaftswoche] = quickening
- in = at
- in = inside
- in = on
- in = in
- in Grenzen = up to a point
- in Erdbodennähe = close to the ground
- in Sorge = concerned [worried]
- in Grenzen = within limits
- in Bereitschaft = in attendance
- in Spannung = agog
- in Güte = amicably
- in Ergänzung = in addition
- in Stapeln = batchwise
- in Geheimdienstkreisen = in intelligence circles
- in Banknoten = in notes [Br.] [short for: banknotes]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Edie Keller Daughter of Bonny Keller and Andrew Gill. Edie tells everyone she has a twin brother, assumed by everyone to be an imaginary friend but really being a sentient fetus in fetu named Bill.
- "Fetus in fetu" (or "foetus in foetu") is a rare developmental abnormality in which a mass of tissue resembling a fetus forms inside the body of its twin.
- Fetus "in fetu" and fetiform teratoma are rare forms of mature teratomas that include one or more components resembling a malformed fetus.
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