| ADJ | flat | flatter | flattest |
| NOUN | a flat | flats |
| SYNO | 2-dimensional | apartment | bland | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| flat {adj} | flach 2672 | |
| flat {adj} [Br.] [battery] | leer [Batterie] 521 | |
| flat {adj} [also fig.: joke, remark etc.] | platt [auch fig.: abgeschmackt, trivial] 319 | |
| flat {adj} [surface] | eben [Fläche, Land] 160 | |
| flat {adj} [attr.] [all-inclusive, blanket] | pauschal [komplett und unveränderlich] 146 | |
| flat {adj} [having a smooth and even surface] | plan [bes. Fachsprache] 146 | |
| gastr. flat {adj} | geschmacklos 131 | |
| flat {adj} [colour] | matt [Farbe] 56 | |
| flat {adj} [stale] | schal [Getränk] 52 | |
| photo. flat {adj} | kontrastarm 44 | |
| flat {adj} | flau 43 | |
| flat {adj} [two-dimensional, planar] | flächig 40 | |
| gastr. flat {adj} [soda, beer, etc.] | lack [bayer.] [abgestanden] [Cola, Bier usw.] 22 | |
| photo. flat {adj} [lacking contrast] | kontrastlos 20 | |
| flat {adv} [completely, exactly] | glatt [ugs.] [vollkommen, genau] 16 | |
| oenol. flat {adj} | abgebaut [im Geschmack, an Säure] 11 | |
| flat {adj} [trajectory] | rasant [flach] 11 | |
| flat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fee, price, rate] | Pauschal- [z. B. Gebühr, Preis, Tarif] 11 | |
| flat {adj} [e.g. coast, country, file, glass, roof, screen] | 9 Flach- [z. B. Küste, Land, Feile, Glas, Dach, Bildschirm] | |
| flat {adj} | flach verlaufend | |
| flat {adj} [attr.] [esp. Br.] [e.g. fire, hunt, owner] | Wohnungs- [z. B. Brand, Suche, Eigentümer] | |
| mus. flat {adj} [note] | um einen Halbton erniedrigt [Note] | |
| flat {adj} [of ears] | anliegend [Ohren] | |
Verben |
| to flat [Aus.] | in einer Wohnung leben / zusammenleben | |
Substantive |
| RealEst. flat [esp. Br.] | Wohnung {f} [Etagenwohnung] 5259 | |
| RealEst. flat [esp. Br.] | Apartment {n} 3065 | |
| flat | Fläche {f} 114 | |
| flat | Ebene {f} 74 | |
| flat [coll.] [flat tyre] | Reifenpanne {f} 70 | |
| mus. flat | Be {n} [Vorzeichen] 42 | |
| mus. flat [sign] <♭> | b {n} [Vorzeichen; Versetzungszeichen] <♭> 33 | |
| automot.bike flat [esp. Am.] [coll.] [flat tyre / tire] | 27 Plattfuß {m} [ugs.] [Reifen, der keine oder kaum noch Luft hat] | |
| automot.bike flat [coll.] [flat tire] | Patschen {m} [österr.] [Reifendefekt] 22 | |
| flat [esp. Br.] | Appartement {n} 18 | |
| mus. A flat <A♭> | As {n} <A♭> 16 | |
| mus. B flat <B♭> | B {n} [Ton] 13 | |
| RealEst. flat [esp. Br.] | Flat {n} [veraltend] 9 | |
| hort. flat | Saatkiste {f} 8 | |
| hort. flat | Multiplatte {f} 7 | |
| RealEst. flat [esp. Br.] | Etagenwohnung {f} 7 | |
| theatre flat | Hintersetzer {m} 6 | |
| flat [of blade] | flache Seite {f} [einer Klinge] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| flat broke {adj} [coll.] | nicht flüssig [ugs.] | |
| flat broke {adj} [coll.] | mittellos [pleite] | |
| flat broke {adj} [coll.] | ohne einen Pfennig [nachgestellt] | |
| flat broke {adj} [pred.] [coll.] | völlig pleite [nur prädikativ] [ugs.] | |
| flat busted {adj} [coll.] [broke] | völlig pleite | |
| ungeprüft flat chat [Aus.] | völlig überarbeitet | |
| flat out {adv} [Am.] [coll.] [openly] | geradeheraus [ugs.] | |
| flat out {adv} [refuse, reject, etc.] | strikt [sich weigern, ablehnen, dagegen sein etc.] | |
| flat wrong {adj} | schlichtweg falsch | |
| flat-bottomed {adj} | plattbodig | |
| naut. flat-bottomed {adj} | flachbödig [mit flachem Boden] | |
| naut. flat-bottomed {adj} [with a flat bottom] | flach [mit flachem Boden] | |
| flat-chested {adj} | flachbrüstig | |
| flat-chested {adj} [of a woman] | flachbusig | |
| flat-coated {adj} | glatthaarig | |
| flat-colored {adj} [Am.] | mattfarbig | |
| flat-footed {adj} | plattfüßig | |
| flat-footed {adj} | flachfüßig | |
| flat-footed {adj} | unvorbereitet | |
| flat-footed {adv} | geradeheraus [ugs.] | |
| flat-footedly {adv} | flachfüßig | |
| cloth. flat-heeled {adj} | flachhackig | |
| cloth. flat-heeled {adj} [here: shoe or shoes (singular or plural)] | mit flachem Absatz [nachgestellt] [zugehöriges Substantiv im Singular oder Plural] | |
| cloth. flat-heeled {adj} [here: shoes (always plural)] | mit flachen Absätzen [nachgestellt] [zugehöriges Substantiv immer im Plural] | |
| flat-nosed {adj} | plattnasig | |
| flat-nosed {adj} | flachnasig | |
| flat-out {adj} [Am.] | völlig | |
| flat-out {adj} [Am.] | gründlich | |
| flat-out {adj} [Am.] | mit aller Macht [nachgestellt] | |
| flat-out {adv} [Am.] [coll.] [absolutely] | total [ugs.] [auch: absolut] | |
| flat-rate {adj} | pauschal | |
| archi. flat-roofed {adj} | mit Flachdach [nachgestellt] | |
| flat-topped {adj} | mit abgeflachter Spitze [nachgestellt] | |
| textil. flat-woven {adj} | flachgewebt | |
| pressed flat {adj} {past-p} | flachgedrückt | |
| fin. quoted flat {adj} | ohne Zinsen notiert | |
| rolled flat {adj} {past-p} | ausgewellt | |
| rolled flat {adj} {past-p} | ausgewalkt | |
| rolling flat | auswellend | |
| rolling flat {adj} | auswalkend | |
| running flat {pres-p} | platt fahrend | |
| silk flat {adj} | seidenmatt | |
| ultra-flat {adj} | ultraflach | |
| ultra-flat {adj} | superflach | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| textil. to dry flat | liegend trocknen | |
| to fall flat | durchfallen | |
| to fall flat [fig.] | scheitern | |
| to fall flat [joke] | verpuffen [Witz] | |
| to fall flat [joke] [coll.] | nicht ankommen [ugs.] | |
| to flat iron sth. | etw.Akk. glattbügeln [Wäsche, Kleidung] | |
| to flat iron sth. | etw.Akk. glatt bügeln [Wäsche, Kleidung] | |
| to go flat | sich flach auf den Boden legen | |
| to iron sth. flat | etw.Akk. glatt bügeln | |
| to iron sth. flat | etw.Akk. glattbügeln [z. B. Wäsche, Kleidung] | |
| idiom to knock sb. flat [coll.] [fig.] | jdn. umhauen [ugs.] [fig.] | |
| to leave sb. flat [coll.] [idiom] | jdn. im Regen lassen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to leave sb. flat [coll.] [idiom] | jdn. im Regen stehen lassen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| idiom to leave sb. flat [fig.] | jdn. nicht mitreißen [fig.] | |
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Übersetzung für 'flat' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- flat {adj}
- flach
abgebaut [im Geschmack, an Säure]oenol.
flach verlaufend
- flat {adj} [Br.] [battery]
- leer [Batterie]
- flat {adj} [also fig.: joke, remark etc.]
- platt [auch fig.: abgeschmackt, trivial]
- flat {adj} [surface]
- eben [Fläche, Land]
- flat {adj} [attr.] [all-inclusive, blanket]
- pauschal [komplett und unveränderlich]
- flat {adj} [having a smooth and even surface]
- plan [bes. Fachsprache]
- flat {adj} [colour]
- matt [Farbe]
- flat {adj} [stale]
- schal [Getränk]
- flat {adj} [two-dimensional, planar]
- flächig
- flat {adj} [soda, beer, etc.]
- lack [bayer.] [abgestanden] [Cola, Bier usw.]gastr.
- flat {adj} [lacking contrast]
- kontrastlosphoto.
- flat {adv} [completely, exactly]
- glatt [ugs.] [vollkommen, genau]
- flat {adj} [trajectory]
- rasant [flach]
- flat {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fee, price, rate]
- Pauschal- [z. B. Gebühr, Preis, Tarif]
- flat {adj} [e.g. coast, country, file, glass, roof, screen]
- Flach- [z. B. Küste, Land, Feile, Glas, Dach, Bildschirm]
- flat {adj} [attr.] [esp. Br.] [e.g. fire, hunt, owner]
- Wohnungs- [z. B. Brand, Suche, Eigentümer]
- flat {adj} [note]
- um einen Halbton erniedrigt [Note]mus.
- flat {adj} [of ears]
- anliegend [Ohren]
- to flat [Aus.]
- in einer Wohnung leben / zusammenleben
- flat [esp. Br.]
- Wohnung {f} [Etagenwohnung]RealEst.
Apartment {n}RealEst.
Appartement {n}
Flat {n} [veraltend]RealEst.
Etagenwohnung {f}RealEst.
- flat
- Fläche {f}
Ebene {f}
Be {n} [Vorzeichen]mus.
Saatkiste {f}hort.
Multiplatte {f}hort.
Hintersetzer {m}theatre
- flat [coll.] [flat tyre]
- Reifenpanne {f}
- flat [sign] <♭>
- b {n} [Vorzeichen; Versetzungszeichen] <♭>mus.
- flat [esp. Am.] [coll.] [flat tyre / tire]
- Plattfuß {m} [ugs.] [Reifen, der keine oder kaum noch Luft hat]automot.bike
- flat [coll.] [flat tire]
- Patschen {m} [österr.] [Reifendefekt]automot.bike
- A flat <A♭>
- As {n} <A♭>mus.
- B flat <B♭>
- B {n} [Ton]mus.
- flat [of blade]
- flache Seite {f} [einer Klinge]
- flat broke {adj} [coll.]
- nicht flüssig [ugs.]
- flat broke {adj} [coll.]
- mittellos [pleite]
ohne einen Pfennig [nachgestellt]
- flat broke {adj} [pred.] [coll.]
- völlig pleite [nur prädikativ] [ugs.]
- flat busted {adj} [coll.] [broke]
- völlig pleite
- flat chat [Aus.]
- ungeprüft völlig überarbeitet
- flat out {adv} [Am.] [coll.] [openly]
- geradeheraus [ugs.]
- flat out {adv} [refuse, reject, etc.]
- strikt [sich weigern, ablehnen, dagegen sein etc.]
- flat wrong {adj}
- schlichtweg falsch
- flat-bottomed {adj}
- plattbodig
flachbödig [mit flachem Boden]naut.
- flat-bottomed {adj} [with a flat bottom]
- flach [mit flachem Boden]naut.
- flat-chested {adj}
- flachbrüstig
- flat-chested {adj} [of a woman]
- flachbusig
- flat-coated {adj}
- glatthaarig
- flat-colored {adj} [Am.]
- mattfarbig
- flat-footed {adj}
- plattfüßig
- flat-footed {adv}
- geradeheraus [ugs.]
- flat-footedly {adv}
- flachfüßig
- flat-heeled {adj}
- flachhackigcloth.
- flat-heeled {adj} [here: shoe or shoes (singular or plural)]
- mit flachem Absatz [nachgestellt] [zugehöriges Substantiv im Singular oder Plural]cloth.
- flat-heeled {adj} [here: shoes (always plural)]
- mit flachen Absätzen [nachgestellt] [zugehöriges Substantiv immer im Plural]cloth.
- flat-nosed {adj}
- plattnasig
- flat-out {adj} [Am.]
- völlig
mit aller Macht [nachgestellt]
- flat-out {adv} [Am.] [coll.] [absolutely]
- total [ugs.] [auch: absolut]
- flat-rate {adj}
- pauschal
- flat-roofed {adj}
- mit Flachdach [nachgestellt]archi.
- flat-topped {adj}
- mit abgeflachter Spitze [nachgestellt]
- flat-woven {adj}
- flachgewebttextil.
- pressed flat {adj} {past-p}
- flachgedrückt
- quoted flat {adj}
- ohne Zinsen notiertfin.
- rolled flat {adj} {past-p}
- ausgewellt
- rolling flat
- auswellend
- rolling flat {adj}
- auswalkend
- running flat {pres-p}
- platt fahrend
- silk flat {adj}
- seidenmatt
- ultra-flat {adj}
- ultraflach
- to dry flat
- liegend trocknentextil.
- to fall flat
- durchfallen
- to fall flat [fig.]
- scheitern
- to fall flat [joke]
- verpuffen [Witz]
- to fall flat [joke] [coll.]
- nicht ankommen [ugs.]
- to flat iron sth.
- etw.Akk. glattbügeln [Wäsche, Kleidung]
etw.Akk. glatt bügeln [Wäsche, Kleidung]
- to go flat
- sich flach auf den Boden legen
- to iron sth. flat
- etw.Akk. glatt bügeln
etw.Akk. glattbügeln [z. B. Wäsche, Kleidung]
- to knock sb. flat [coll.] [fig.]
- jdn. umhauen [ugs.] [fig.]idiom
- to leave sb. flat [coll.] [idiom]
- jdn. im Regen lassen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
jdn. im Regen stehen lassen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
- to leave sb. flat [fig.]
- jdn. nicht mitreißen [fig.]idiom
- Flat {n} [veraltend] = flat [esp. Br.]
- Flat {f} [ugs.] [Flatrate] = flat rate
- Flat {n} [veraltend] = (small) apartment
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Flat knitting uses two straight needles to make generally two-dimensional (flat) pieces.
- A quarter-tone flat, half flat, or demiflat indicating the use of quarter tones, may be marked with various symbols including a flat with a slash (...) or a reversed flat sign (...).
- "Tagiades gana", the immaculate snow flat, large snow flat or suffused snow flat, is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae found in Indomalayan realm.
- According to some flat Earthers, the Flat Earth Society is a government-controlled organization whose true purpose is to make ridiculous claims about flat Earth and therefore discredit the flat Earth movement.
- In higher-dimensional space, a flat of dimension "k" is referred to as a "k"-flat. Thus, a line may also be called a 1-flat.
- The first production flat-six engine was in the 1904 "Wilson-Pilcher 18/24 HP" car.
- The LE was produced in Black (flat), Red (flat), Vinci Grey (metallic), Crono Grey (flat) and Steel Grey (metallic).
- The Pampean flat-slab is the low angle subduction of oceanic lithosphere beneath Northern Argentina.
- From early 1964 to 1965, the British pop group The Beatles lived in Flat 7, and also Flat 5 and Flat 6 at some point.
- As noted above, any flat metric is Ricci-flat. However it is nontrivial to identify Ricci-flat manifolds whose full curvature is nonzero.
- Landscape in the area is generally low-lying and flat with some rolling hills.
- The 1869 catalog shows a full line of such instruments including the traditional cornets in E-flat and B-flat, E-flat Alto horn and horn, B-flat tenor, B-flat baritone, B-flat valve trombone and slide trombone, and tubas in B-flat and E-flat.
- The periphery (flat edge) of the wheel is in contact with the workpiece, producing the flat surface.
- "Netrocoryne repanda", the bronze flat, eastern bronze flat, or eastern flat, is a butterfly found in Australia, belonging to the subfamily Pyrginae of the family Hesperiidae.
- The piece then modulates rapidly from bar to bar, passing through: G flat (measure 5); C flat (measure 6); A flat minor (measure 7); and B flat (measure 9).
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