 Übersetzung für 'flayed' von Englisch nach Deutsch
VERB   to flay | flayed | flayed
flaying | flays
sb. flayedjd. schindete
sb. flayedjd. schund [selten]
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'flayed' von Englisch nach Deutsch

sb. flayed
jd. schindete

jd. schund [selten]
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Mana of Bet-Parsaje was a Christian martyr under Shapur II, in November, 339. Mana was tortured and martyred being flayed at Bet-Nikator.
  • Jewish sources relate that he was subjected to combing, a Roman torture in which the victim's skin was flayed with iron combs.
  • The most famous Renaissance depiction is Michelangelo Buonarroti's "The Last Judgment" in the Sistine Chapel. Included in this fresco is his self-portrait, as St. Bartholomew's flayed skin.
  • On the next day, Kongre has Montefiori flayed alive on his ship, trying to draw Denton out of hiding, but Denton shoots Montefiori from afar.
  • Xipe Totec emerging from rotting, flayed skin after twenty days symbolised rebirth and the renewal of the seasons, the casting off of the old and the growth of new vegetation.

  • In artistic depictions, Bartholomew is most commonly depicted holding his flayed skin and the knife with which he was skinned.
  • In 1991, Törr followed their successful debut with the album "Institut klinické smrti", which shocked audiences with cover art depicting a flayed Jesus Christ on a cross.
  • She was involved in making garments for the kami. In some versions Wakahirume was killed when Susanoo threw a flayed pony at her while she was in Amaterasu's weaving hall.
  • The Hongwu Emperor flayed many servants, officials and rebels.
  • The Emperor Valerian was later captured in battle by the Parthians and reputedly flayed, causing the belief among some in the Church in North Africa to claim it was divine retribution for his actions against the martyrs.

  • "Adore Life" drew comparison once again to Siouxsie Sioux. Critic Ludovic Hunter-Tilney described the music as, "Distorted guitars set up flayed layers of sound, backed by sinewy drums and bass".
  • The sculpture's title refers to Marsyas, the satyr in Greek mythology, who was flayed alive by the god Apollo.
  • In 2008, an exhibition of flayed bodies caused a controversy about the origin of the corpses. The exhibition attracted 4,000 visitors per week.
  • Honoré Fragonard (13 June 1732 – 5 April 1799) was a French anatomist, now remembered primarily for his remarkable collection of "écorchés" (flayed figures) in the Musée Fragonard d'Alfort.
  • Leonard Barkan compared the posture of Michelangelo's marginalia self-portrait to the Roman sculptures of "Marsyas Bound" in the Uffizi Gallery; Barkan further connects the flayed Marsyas with Michelangelo's purported self-portrait decades later on the flayed skin of St Bartholomew in his "Last Judgment" but cautions that there is no certainty the sketch represents the process of painting the chapel ceiling.

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