Übersetzung für '
flayer' von Englisch nach Deutsch
1 Übersetzung
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- He was famous for his pillaging and was consequently known as the Emperor of Pillagers ("empereur des brigands") or L'Écorcheur (the flayer).
- The vampire mind flayer appears in "Lords of Madness" (2005).
- The flayer then made a laceration from the lower head to the heels and removed the skin in one piece.
- Rodrigo de Villandrando was known as the "Emperor of Pillagers" ("empereur des brigands") and "L'Écorcheur" (the flayer).
- Occasionally mind flayer communities are attacked (often by vengeful githyanki and githzerai) and their inhabitants must flee.
- Known by the nickname Zhou Bapi ("Zhou the flayer") in the story, he became one of the most famous evil landlords in Communist China.
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