 Übersetzung für 'free on truck' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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free on truck
frei verladen
free on truck
frei Waggon
free on truck <f.o.t>frei Waggon oder LKW Abgangsort
loaded on truck <LOT>
frei LKW geladen
The truck jackknifed on the icy road. Der Lastwagen stellte sich auf der vereisten Straße quer.
free on rail
franko Waggon
free on rail
frei Waggon
free on board <FOB>
frei Schiff
on a free transfer {adj} {adv}
free on waggon <fow>free on waggon <fow>
free on plane <fop>free on plane <fop>
restrictions on free thoughtDenkverbote {pl}
free on board <FOB>
frei an Bord [Incoterm]
regulation on deforestation-free products
Entwaldungs­verordnung {f}
price on the free marketPreis {m} im freien Verkehr
price on the free marketPreis {m} auf dem freien Markt
Are you free (on) Saturday?Hast du am Samstag frei?
free on rail <f.o.r.>frei Bahn-Waggon Abgangsort
Treaty on the Free Movement of Persons
Personenfreizügigkeitsabkommen {n}
on a free {adj} {adv} [coll.] [on a free transfer]
federal ordinance on barrier-free information technology [Germany]
Verordnung {f} zur Schaffung barrierefreier Informationstechnik nach dem Behindertengleichstellungs­gesetz <Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV, BITV 2.0>
to fearlessly hold on to our free way of lifefurchtlos an unserer freien Lebensweise festhalten
to have (a lot of) free time on one's hands(viel) freie Zeit zur Verfügung haben
23 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'free on truck' von Englisch nach Deutsch

free on truck
frei verladencomm.transp.

frei Waggoncomm.rail
free on truck <f.o.t>
frei Waggon oder LKW Abgangsort

loaded on truck <LOT>
frei LKW geladencomm.transp.
The truck jackknifed on the icy road.
Der Lastwagen stellte sich auf der vereisten Straße quer.
free on rail
ungeprüft franko Waggoncomm.rail

frei Waggoncomm.rail
free on board <FOB>
frei Schiffcomm.naut.

frei an Bord [Incoterm]comm.naut.
on a free transfer {adj} {adv}
free on waggon <fow>
free on waggon <fow>
free on plane <fop>
free on plane <fop>
restrictions on free thought
Denkverbote {pl}
regulation on deforestation-free products
ungeprüft Entwaldungs­verordnung {f}EU
price on the free market
Preis {m} im freien Verkehr

Preis {m} auf dem freien Markt
Are you free (on) Saturday?
Hast du am Samstag frei?
free on rail <f.o.r.>
frei Bahn-Waggon Abgangsort
Treaty on the Free Movement of Persons
Personenfreizügigkeitsabkommen {n}law
on a free {adj} {adv} [coll.] [on a free transfer]
federal ordinance on barrier-free information technology [Germany]
Verordnung {f} zur Schaffung barrierefreier Informationstechnik nach dem Behindertengleichstellungs­gesetz <Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung, BITV, BITV 2.0>law
to fearlessly hold on to our free way of life
furchtlos an unserer freien Lebensweise festhalten
to have (a lot of) free time on one's hands
(viel) freie Zeit zur Verfügung haben
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A TMS road reduces mud problems and provides stone-free roads for local residents where loaded truck traffic is negligible.
  • After years of legal battles, activism by local people against neighborhood truck traffic, and stalling by Matty Moroun, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) took over the I-75/I-96 on-ramp project and opened the ramps in September 2012 after a six-month construction period.
  • 5-inch howitzer carried on a 10-ton Mack NR 4 truck, with an accompanying light tank as an armoured observation post.
  • The Merritt Parkway, also known as "The Merritt" or Connecticut Route 15, is a truck-free scenic parkway that runs through the county parallel and generally several miles north of Interstate 95.
  • It is one of the most important gateways on the north–south truck routes.

  • Among Himber's novel promotions was a traveling bandstand on a flatbed truck, sponsored by Pepsi-Cola.
  • Houston breaks free of OMAR's mind control and goes away with Convoy, who detaches the machineguns from his truck.
  • resorted to transshipment of its entire output across the Canada–United States border to Edmundston, New Brunswick by truck for placement directly on CN trains.
  • The "Spoon Rest" and "Thin Skin" are mounted on a truck, "Long Track" on a tracked vehicle (a modified AT-T) and "Flat Face" on a van.
  • The emptying can be done manually with shovels and buckets, with manually powered pumps or with motorized pumps mounted on a vacuum truck which carries a tank for storage.

  • As of January, 2021, the toll is $10 for a return trip ticket on a standard car or light truck.
  • The truck appears in a tunnel down the road, causing Mann to panic.
  • Automatic bulk tank washing and are normally activated by the milk collection truck driver after each milk collection.
  • They even referred to it as a "Mack Truck" to imply that it would run over significant rights.
  • Gliding was still conducted up until early 1960s as well at the Common with a winch truck used to winch the gliders to sufficient thermal height.

  • head of Smithfield Packing Company (the producer of Smithfield Hams), ordered his truck drivers to take different routes and cross smaller and cheaper bridges.
  • The livestock may travel to the alternate pasture by truck or by travelling stock route.
  • Snively pursues them in his dilapidated pickup truck before crashing into a lake.
  • They steal Glen's truck, then use the forklift to load Willy onto a trailer attached to the truck and tow him to Dawson's Marina.
  • Obesity prevalence is affected by access to care for truckers.

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