Übersetzung für '
free on truck' von Englisch nach Deutsch
23 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- A TMS road reduces mud problems and provides stone-free roads for local residents where loaded truck traffic is negligible.
- After years of legal battles, activism by local people against neighborhood truck traffic, and stalling by Matty Moroun, the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) took over the I-75/I-96 on-ramp project and opened the ramps in September 2012 after a six-month construction period.
- 5-inch howitzer carried on a 10-ton Mack NR 4 truck, with an accompanying light tank as an armoured observation post.
- The Merritt Parkway, also known as "The Merritt" or Connecticut Route 15, is a truck-free scenic parkway that runs through the county parallel and generally several miles north of Interstate 95.
- It is one of the most important gateways on the north–south truck routes.
- Among Himber's novel promotions was a traveling bandstand on a flatbed truck, sponsored by Pepsi-Cola.
- Houston breaks free of OMAR's mind control and goes away with Convoy, who detaches the machineguns from his truck.
- resorted to transshipment of its entire output across the Canada–United States border to Edmundston, New Brunswick by truck for placement directly on CN trains.
- The "Spoon Rest" and "Thin Skin" are mounted on a truck, "Long Track" on a tracked vehicle (a modified AT-T) and "Flat Face" on a van.
- The emptying can be done manually with shovels and buckets, with manually powered pumps or with motorized pumps mounted on a vacuum truck which carries a tank for storage.
- As of January, 2021, the toll is $10 for a return trip ticket on a standard car or light truck.
- The truck appears in a tunnel down the road, causing Mann to panic.
- Automatic bulk tank washing and are normally activated by the milk collection truck driver after each milk collection.
- They even referred to it as a "Mack Truck" to imply that it would run over significant rights.
- Gliding was still conducted up until early 1960s as well at the Common with a winch truck used to winch the gliders to sufficient thermal height.
- head of Smithfield Packing Company (the producer of Smithfield Hams), ordered his truck drivers to take different routes and cross smaller and cheaper bridges.
- The livestock may travel to the alternate pasture by truck or by travelling stock route.
- Snively pursues them in his dilapidated pickup truck before crashing into a lake.
- They steal Glen's truck, then use the forklift to load Willy onto a trailer attached to the truck and tow him to Dawson's Marina.
- Obesity prevalence is affected by access to care for truckers.
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