 Übersetzung für 'from left to right' von Englisch nach Deutsch
from left to right {adv} <FLTR, f.l.t.r.>von links nach rechts <v. l. n. r., v.l.n.r.>
difficulty telling left from rightLinks-Rechts-Schwäche {f}
cable entry from left or right
Kabelzuführung {f} von links oder rechts
reversed left to right {adj}seitenverkehrt
Left yields to right.
Rechts vor Links.
to look (to the) left / rightsichAkk. nach links / rechts umblicken
right-to-left shunt <RLS>
Rechts-links-Shunt {m} <RLS> [auch: Rechts-Links-Shunt]
right-to-left {adj} <RTL> [writing]
linksläufig [Schrift]
left-to-right {adj} <LTR> [writing]
rechtsläufig [Schrift]
to turn to the left / rightnach links / rechts drehen
left-to-right shunt <LRS>
Links-rechts-Shunt {m} <LRS> [auch: Links-Rechts-Shunt]
ungeprüft to swing (out) to the left / rightnach links / rechts umschwenken
to turn off to the right / leftnach rechts / links abbiegen
to sit to sb.'s left / right zu jds. Linken / Rechten sitzen [mit Possessivpronomen: meiner, deiner, seiner, ihrer, unserer, eurer, ihrer]
to sit to sb.'s left / right zu jds. Linker / Rechter sitzen [mit Nomen / Relativpronomen, z. B.: Herrn Kochs, Merkels, dessen, deren]
to angle off to (the) right / leftnach rechts / links abbiegen
bend to right / left [Br.] [traffic sign]
Kurve rechts / links [Verkehrszeichen]
quantification of a left-to-right shunt
Quantifizierung {f} eines Links-rechts-Shunts [auch: ... Links-Rechts-...]
access from the left / left-hand sidelinksseitiger Zugang {m}
right to withdraw (from a contract)Rücktrittsrecht {n} (von einem Vertrag)
right to separation from the estate
Aussonderungs­recht {n}
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'from left to right' von Englisch nach Deutsch

from left to right {adv} <FLTR, f.l.t.r.>
von links nach rechts <v. l. n. r., v.l.n.r.>

difficulty telling left from right
Links-Rechts-Schwäche {f}
cable entry from left or right
Kabelzuführung {f} von links oder rechtselectr.
reversed left to right {adj}
Left yields to right.
Rechts vor Links.traffic
to look (to the) left / right
sichAkk. nach links / rechts umblicken
right-to-left shunt <RLS>
Rechts-links-Shunt {m} <RLS> [auch: Rechts-Links-Shunt]med.
right-to-left {adj} <RTL> [writing]
linksläufig [Schrift]printspec.
left-to-right {adj} <LTR> [writing]
rechtsläufig [Schrift]printspec.
to turn to the left / right
nach links / rechts drehen
left-to-right shunt <LRS>
Links-rechts-Shunt {m} <LRS> [auch: Links-Rechts-Shunt]med.
to swing (out) to the left / right
ungeprüft nach links / rechts umschwenken
to turn off to the right / left
nach rechts / links abbiegen
to sit to sb.'s left / right
zu jds. Linken / Rechten sitzen [mit Possessivpronomen: meiner, deiner, seiner, ihrer, unserer, eurer, ihrer]

zu jds. Linker / Rechter sitzen [mit Nomen / Relativpronomen, z. B.: Herrn Kochs, Merkels, dessen, deren]
to angle off to (the) right / left
nach rechts / links abbiegen
bend to right / left [Br.] [traffic sign]
Kurve rechts / links [Verkehrszeichen]traffic
quantification of a left-to-right shunt
Quantifizierung {f} eines Links-rechts-Shunts [auch: ... Links-Rechts-...]med.
access from the left / left-hand side
linksseitiger Zugang {m}
right to withdraw (from a contract)
Rücktrittsrecht {n} (von einem Vertrag)
right to separation from the estate
Aussonderungs­recht {n}law
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The wavelength increases from top to bottom, and the distance between the sources increases from left to right.
  • For a more complex example involving observers in relative motion, consider Alfred, who is standing on the side of a road watching a car drive past him from left to right.
  • Devanagari consists of 11 vowels and 33 consonants and is written from left to right.
  • For each diprotic acid titration curve, from left to right, there are two midpoints, two equivalence points, and two buffer regions.
  • The choice of an ordering on the variables is already implicit in Gaussian elimination, manifesting as the choice to work from left to right when selecting pivot positions.

  • The pixels within each line are not interlaced, but presented consecutively from left to right.
  • A finite-state machine has the same computational power as a Turing machine that is restricted such that its head may only perform "read" operations, and always has to move from left to right.
  • In general, electronegativity increases on passing from left to right along a period and decreases on descending a group.
  • The wreckage all evidenced an impact from left to right, wiping the whole front of the boat off in that direction.
  • On the first night of Hanukkah one light (candle or oil) is lit on the right side of the menorah, on the following night a second light is placed to the left of the first but it is lit first, and so on, proceeding from placing candles right to left but lighting them from left to right over the eight nights.

  • In 1999, Spin redesigned the logo to feature in a single square which sat on the right-hand side of the screen, whilst various stripes would move along from left to right, often lighting the squared "4" up.
  • This natural spin affects certain strokes: a tumbling net shot is more effective if the slicing action is from right to left, rather than from left to right.
  • The board is labeled A through P (omitting I) from left to right and 1 to 19 from bottom to top from Ohs' perspective.
  • The end with a free amino group is known as the N-terminus or amino terminus, whereas the end of the protein with a free carboxyl group is known as the C-terminus or carboxy terminus (the sequence of the protein is written from N-terminus to C-terminus, from left to right).
  • Their normal delivery is an off break, which spins from left to right (from the bowler's perspective) when the ball bounces on the pitch.

  • An unusual feature of its syntax was that expressions were constructed using the conventional infix operators, but all of them had the same precedence and evaluation went from left to right unless there were brackets.
  • ... In the accompanying image from left to right a) an image taken during a phototour of the participant's village.
  • Eastern Arabic numbers are written from left to right.
  • Some so-called right-to-left script such as the Persian script (and Arabic) are mostly but not exclusively right-to-left; mathematical expressions, numeric dates and numbers bearing units are embedded from left to right.
  • Reading bitwise from left to right, starting at bit "d" − 1, where "d" is the node's distance from the root ("d" = ⌊log [...] ("i"+1)⌋) and the node in question is not the root itself ("d" > 0).

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