 Übersetzung für 'gabardine' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   gabardine | gabardines
SYNO dust coat | duster | flannel | ...
Gabardine {m} [selten {f}]
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'gabardine' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Gabardine {m} [selten {f}]textil.
  • Gabardine {m} [selten {f}] = gabardine
  • Gabardine {m} [selten {f}] = gaberdine
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • They were far lighter and cheaper than rubberized mackintoshes or woven gabardine raincoats, and could also be made transparent or translucent.
  • In the same vein he designed a modernistic space-age wedding outfit for Marit Allen in 1966 consisting of a white gabardine mini-coat and matching dress with silver PVC collar and lapels.
  • The term was first used by the John Rissman company of Chicago for its gabardine jackets.
  • Burberry’s gabardine fabric was not just used by elites, but by explorers.
  • Unlike overcoats, topcoats are usually made from lighter weight cloth such as gabardine or covert, while overcoats are made from heavier cloth or fur.

  • For inclement weather conditions on the road, these woollen coats were superior in their multi-purpose functionality to either fur coats, rubber Mackintosh or cotton gabardine Burberry raincoats.
  • Cotton gabardine is often used by bespoke tailors to make pocket linings for suits, where the pockets' contents would quickly wear holes in flimsy pocket lining material.
  • The most popular MacIntosh suits featured gray colors with blue pinstripes constructed of gabardine material and wool material for winter suits.
  • A balmacaan has raglan sleeves and a Prussian collar, and is usually made of tweed or gabardine.
  • The standard costume for the gig was gabardine pants—hence his name.

  • On the way up, Eva-Lotta sees a man in green gabardine trousers who is visiting Gren and hears that they'll "meet on Wednesday at the regular place" and Gren'll bring all the promissory notes.
  • Dressed in gabardine and wearing hobnailed boots, Mallory risked everything in pursuit of his dream, but was last seen alive 800 feet below the summit. Then the clouds rolled in and he disappeared.
  • Thomas Burberry had invented gabardine fabric in 1879 and submitted a design for a British Army officer's raincoat to the War Office in 1901.
  • However their gabardine boxer shorts increased in price from $6.95 to $7.50 retail.
  • Grenfell Cloth is a densely-woven cotton gabardine material used to make luxury and outdoor clothing since its creation in 1923.

  • Army officer uniforms included a full-dress uniform of blue coat and white trousers for a cold climate; a white full-dress uniform for a hot climate; several different dress uniforms for both hot and cold climates that consisted of some combination of blue and white coat and trousers with piping or fringe on the trousers to indicate branch of service; an olive-drab barracks uniform for a cold climate; a tan gabardine barracks uniform for a hot climate; and tan gabardine service and field uniforms for all climates.
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