 Übersetzung für 'gabbroic' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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gabbroic {adj}
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Übersetzung für 'gabbroic' von Englisch nach Deutsch

gabbroic {adj}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The Skaergaard is perhaps the simplest and smallest of a group of gabbroic complexes of similar age that occur along the central coast of East Greenland, which together with coeval flood basalts are part of the North Atlantic large igneous province.
  • The gabbroic lopolith intrusion is about 17 km2 in area with a thickness of 500 m.
  • There is a large quarry on the western and northern sides of Breidden Hill. The rock is a thick gabbroic-dolerite laccolith, which is a source of roadstone.
  • 5 km long, ~1 km thick pile of gabbroic to pyroxenitic cumulates which contain subeconomic stratiform vanadiferous magnetite deposits.
  • Minor plugs made of gabbroic and granitic magma are associated with volcanic stratigraphy at the Mount Edziza volcanic complex and Level Mountain.

  • Pumpellyite occurs as amygdaloidal and fracture fillings in basaltic and gabbroic rocks in metamorphic terranes.
  • The well-layered lower units of ultramafic rocks comprising the Great Dyke are locally overlain by erosional remnants of gabbroic rock.
  • These pots were made from materials found at gabbroic outcrops in Cornwall, and were traded as far east as Dorset and Wiltshire.
  • Geologically, Wadi Sidr passes from areas of sedimentary rock through metamorphic and altered gabbroic rocks, complicated by thrust planes.
  • It is an intrusive suite composed mainly of granitic rocks, which near the metasedimentary pendant have locally mingled with granitic to gabbroic compositions.

  • Mount Begbie is a gabbroic volcanic plug, and one of the volcanoes of the Chilcotin Group.
  • The eastern area has an abundance of relatively massive tonalitic, granodioritic and granitic gneiss and gabbroic, dioritic and quartz-dioritic gneisses are present.
  • Keverne was one of the primary sources of clay for pottery. Gabbroic clay covers an area of approximately 7 square miles of the Lizard Peninsula, mainly in the area of St.
  • 58 Ga gabbroic anorthosite were found within the Shaw Granitic Complex.
  • Bojite is a variety of gabbro characterized by the presence of plagioclase feldspar and primary hornblende and absence of clinopyroxene typically associated with gabbroic rocks.

  • Ultramafic and gabbroic sills appear commonly on the northern portion of the belt.
  • It was later intruded by an olivine gabbroic intrusion which baked and shattered the overlying Limestone.
  • The Lac des Îles igneous complex of northwestern Ontario, Canada is a layered gabbroic intrusion which is the host for the largest palladium orebody in Canada.
  • Bacteria in the gabbroic layer of the ocean's crust can degrade hydrocarbons; but the extreme environment makes research difficult.
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