 Übersetzung für 'gold mineralisation' von Englisch nach Deutsch
gold mineralisation [Br.]
Goldmineralisation {f} [auch: Gold-Mineralisation]
mineralisation [Br.]
Vererzung {f}
mineralisation [Br.]
Mineralisierung {f}
carbon mineralisation [Br.]
Kohlenstoffmineralisation {f}
mineralisation potential [Br.]
Mineralisierungs­potenzial {n}
CO2 mineralisation [Br.]
CO2-Mineralisierung {f}
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Haar-Ginster / Haarginster {m}
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Behaarter Ginster {m}
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Schafschmeißfliege {f}
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Goldfliege {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Schmalblättriger Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldbrokat-Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldlack-Krokus / Goldlackkrokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Netz-Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Weberkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Gewebte Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Textil-Kegelschnecke {f}
autumn-gold / autumn gold [Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora, syn.: C. aurea x C. pottsii, C. crocosmiiflora, Montbretia crocosmiiflora, M. x crocosmiiflora, Tritonia crocosmiiflora, T. x crocosmiiflora] [mo]
Garten-Montbretie / Gartenmontbretie {f}
fake goldFalschgold {n}
real goldEchtgold {n}
beaten gold
Blattgold {n}
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Übersetzung für 'gold mineralisation' von Englisch nach Deutsch

gold mineralisation [Br.]
Goldmineralisation {f} [auch: Gold-Mineralisation]geol.

mineralisation [Br.]
Vererzung {f}geol.mining

Mineralisierung {f}chem.
carbon mineralisation [Br.]
Kohlenstoffmineralisation {f}ecol.
mineralisation potential [Br.]
Mineralisierungs­potenzial {n}chem.material
CO2 mineralisation [Br.]
CO2-Mineralisierung {f}chem.ecol.geol.
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Haar-Ginster / Haarginster {m}bot.T

Behaarter Ginster {m}bot.T
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Schafschmeißfliege {f}entom.T

Goldfliege {f}entom.T
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Schmalblättriger Krokus {m}bot.T

Goldbrokat-Krokus {m}bot.T

Goldlack-Krokus / Goldlackkrokus {m}bot.T
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Netz-Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T

Weberkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]zool.T

Gewebte Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T

Textil-Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T
autumn-gold / autumn gold [Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora, syn.: C. aurea x C. pottsii, C. crocosmiiflora, Montbretia crocosmiiflora, M. x crocosmiiflora, Tritonia crocosmiiflora, T. x crocosmiiflora] [mo]
Garten-Montbretie / Gartenmontbretie {f}bot.T
fake gold
Falschgold {n}
real gold
Echtgold {n}
beaten gold
Blattgold {n}material
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Further exceptionally high-grade gold mineralisation is present at Wattle Dam, to 6 kg (200 Oz) to the ton, within the Widgiemooltha Komatiite.
  • The host to gold mineralisation is a silica and feldspar rich greisenised pegmatite.
  • It is known for its gold mineralisation and for its komatiites, an unusual type of ultramafic volcanic rock named after the Komati River that flows through the belt.
  • It is well known for its gold mineralisation and for its Komatiites, an unusual type of ultramafic volcanic rock named after the Komati River that flows through the belt.
  • Ultrapotassic granites are a known host for much granite-hosted gold mineralisation.

  • For this reason, veins within hydrothermal gold deposits are no longer the exclusive target of mining, and in some cases gold mineralisation is restricted entirely to the altered wall rocks within which entirely barren quartz veins are hosted.
  • The river is reported to cross several quartz sulphide veins with significant gold mineralisation.
  • Granite rocks surrounding these greenstone belts are also known to host gold mineralisation and previous exploration and mining has been centred on these rocks.
  • Similar styles of fault-hosted magnetite-hematite breccias with minor copper-gold mineralisation and skarns are recognised within the Gawler Craton, South Australia, which would be recognised as IOCG deposits.
  • In contrast, gold mineralisation at Jojo and especially the Indarama gold deposits probably formed at lower temperatures (<<300 °C) and from dominantly aqueous, early moderate- to late high-salinity fluids.

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