 Übersetzung für 'gold mineralization' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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gold mineralization
Goldmineralisation {f} [auch: Gold-Mineralisation]
Mineralisation {f}
Mineralisierung {f}
CO2 mineralization
CO2-Mineralisierung {f}
mineralization potential
Mineralisierungs­potenzial {n}
(ore) mineralization
Vererzung {f}
carbon mineralization
Kohlenstoffmineralisation {f}
mineralization phase
Mineralisationsphase {f} [Mineralisierungs­phase]
lower grade mineralization envelope
Mineralisierungs­hülle {f} der geringeren Anreicherung
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Haar-Ginster / Haarginster {m}
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Behaarter Ginster {m}
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Schafschmeißfliege {f}
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Goldfliege {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldbrokat-Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Schmalblättriger Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldlack-Krokus / Goldlackkrokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Weberkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Gewebte Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Textil-Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Netz-Kegelschnecke {f}
autumn-gold / autumn gold [Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora, syn.: C. aurea x C. pottsii, C. crocosmiiflora, Montbretia crocosmiiflora, M. x crocosmiiflora, Tritonia crocosmiiflora, T. x crocosmiiflora] [mo]
Garten-Montbretie / Gartenmontbretie {f}
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'gold mineralization' von Englisch nach Deutsch

gold mineralization
Goldmineralisation {f} [auch: Gold-Mineralisation]geol.mining

Mineralisation {f}chem.geol.

Mineralisierung {f}chem.
CO2 mineralization
CO2-Mineralisierung {f}chem.ecol.geol.
mineralization potential
Mineralisierungs­potenzial {n}chem.material
(ore) mineralization
Vererzung {f}geol.mining
carbon mineralization
Kohlenstoffmineralisation {f}ecol.
mineralization phase
Mineralisationsphase {f} [Mineralisierungs­phase]chem.mining
lower grade mineralization envelope
Mineralisierungs­hülle {f} der geringeren Anreicherunggeol.mining
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Haar-Ginster / Haarginster {m}bot.T

Behaarter Ginster {m}bot.T
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Schafschmeißfliege {f}entom.T

Goldfliege {f}entom.T
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldbrokat-Krokus {m}bot.T

Schmalblättriger Krokus {m}bot.T

Goldlack-Krokus / Goldlackkrokus {m}bot.T
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Weberkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]zool.T

Gewebte Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T

Textil-Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T

Netz-Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T
autumn-gold / autumn gold [Crocosmia ×crocosmiiflora, syn.: C. aurea x C. pottsii, C. crocosmiiflora, Montbretia crocosmiiflora, M. x crocosmiiflora, Tritonia crocosmiiflora, T. x crocosmiiflora] [mo]
Garten-Montbretie / Gartenmontbretie {f}bot.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • A large copper and gold mineralization has been defined on the property containing around 5.3 billion lb copper and 13.3 million oz of gold.
  • Most of mined VMS deposits in the Flin Flon belt are associated with juvenile arc volcanic rocks providing a powerful focus for future explorations. Gold mineralization has been less studied, but at Reed Lake has been shown to be associated with late brittle-ductile shear zones that follow peak tectonic and metamorphic activity within the Trans-Hudson Orogen.
  • In addition, it is done to evaluate the potential to mine remnant gold mineralization as part of a possible future open-pit mining operation.
  • Gold mineralization occurred in the mine schist, which was up to 150 metres thick.
  • Gold mineralization was first discovered in the Siuna area in the late 1800s by indigenous people that reported 'favourable results' from gold panning.

  • The lake is on ancient rocks of the Superior Province where gold mineralization has been found.
  • In 1993, the term orogenic gold deposits was introduced, as gold deposits of this type have a similar origin and gold mineralization is structurally controlled.
  • The copper-gold mineralization occurs within crackle and inclusion breccias.
  • Copper-gold mineralization occurs mostly in a zone 300 to 600 meters thick.
  • Guerrero Gold Belt is a region in Mexico with gold mineralization in the southern State of Guerrero that extends over 35 kilometers north of Acapulco.

  • The purpose of the drill program was to infill the previous drill programs and test the extensions of gold mineralization to the east and west of the Boston-Richardson zone.
  • Wadi Ariab is oriented E-W. Gold mineralization is associated with a zone of massive sulphide mineralization in a marine rhyolite environment.
  • During 1984, Newmont Corporation undertook conceptual studies and identified the island arc terrain to the east of Bali as being prospective for epithermal gold mineralization.
  • Overprinting relationships in the area indicate copper mineralization is associated with the first deformation event in the WAC, with gold mineralization occurring during subsequent deformation events via reactivation of magmatic and hydrothermal fluids.
  • Other discoveries followed including the discovery of high-grade gold mineralization at the Carissa Mine along the western flank of the belt in 1867.

  • A belt of significant Late Triassic to Early Jurassic Cu–Au and Cu–Mo porphyry deposits, such as Highland Valley Copper and Galore, of the Stikine Terrane and Quesnel Terrane extends into the Yukon–Tanana Terrane in Yukon; the Minto mine is an example. Gold mineralization associated with post-amalgamation emplacement of Cretaceous and Tertiary plutonic rocks is widespread in the YTT.
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