 Übersetzung für 'gold mines' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a gold mine | gold mines
gold mines
Goldminen {pl}
gold mines
Goldbergwerke {pl}
minesMinen {pl}
to lay mines
Minen legen
to clear mines
Minen räumen
to sweep mines
Minen räumen
leaf mines
Blattminen {pl}
opencast mines
Tagebaue {pl}
floating mines
Treibminen {pl}
to cast out mines
Minen werfen
Danger from mines.
Achtung vor Minen!
clear of mines {adj}
frei von Minen
clearing of mines
Minenräumung {f}
to clear of mines
to lay (land) mines
Landminen verlegen
school of mines
Bergbauschule {f}
Mines of Rammelsberg
Bergwerk {n} Rammelsberg
working of coal mines
Kohlebergbau {m}
art of surveying mines
Markscheidekunde {f}
to work down the mines [Br.]
unter Tage arbeiten
All the mines blew up.Alle Minen gingen hoch.
surveyor of the mines [Br.]
Bergmeister {m} [veraltet]
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The method was first used at the Dolaucothi Gold Mines in Wales from 75 AD onwards.
  • Because ore grades of 30 ppm are usually needed before gold is visible to the naked eye, in most gold mines the gold is invisible.
  • A few operate small gold mines or hunt or trap fur-bearing animals for extra income.
  • There are still active gold mines and inactive gold dredges in this area.
  • Yellowknife was originally established as a supply centre for numerous gold mines operating in the region in the late 1930s and early 1940s.

  • This started a small scale insurrection across Transylvania that was quickly quieted by the Hungarian army, except for the Apuseni Mountains, on the north of Hunedoara, where the tribune Avram Iancu struggled to keep the Hungarian forces away from controlling the gold mines.
  • In a very limited section of the Orbiel Valley the department has had occasional pollution problems because of its abandoned gold mines (with mercury and arsenic).
  • In Colombia, the African slaves were first brought to work in the gold mines of the Department of Antioquia.
  • Telfer is one of the largest gold mines in Australia.
  • A number of environmental disasters have followed the overflow of tailing ponds at gold mines.

  • Tregardt and his companions had been shown gold workings by the natives, and it was in this district in 1867–70, and in the neighbouring region of Lydenburg, that gold mines were first worked by Europeans south of the Limpopo.
  • During his stay in Hispania, he became familiar with the agriculture and especially the gold mines of the north and west of the country.
  • This action caused outrage from the Muslim WaSwahili living in the capital, and this chaos gave the Portuguese the excuse they were searching for to warrant an attack on the kingdom and try to control its gold mines and ivory routes.
  • Before 1992, there was a metal factory in the town, and lead, zinc, and gold mines nearby. The town's name (Srebrenica) means "silver mine", the same meaning of its old Latin name "Argentaria".
  • This migration was driven by the employment opportunities at gold mines in Bau.

  • By 1570, the colonists found that the gold mines were depleted, relegating the island to a garrison for passing ships.
  • The gold mines of Nubia were among the largest and most extensive of any in Ancient Egypt.
  • The ancient Indian text "Vayu Purana" also mentions a place named "Malayadvipa" where gold mines may be found; this term may refer to Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula.
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