 Übersetzung für 'gold mining company' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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gold mining company
Goldbergbauunternehmen {n}
gold mining company
Goldförderunternehmen {n}
gold mining
Goldschürfen {n}
gold mining
Goldförderung {f}
gold mining
Goldgewinnung {f}
gold mining
Goldabbau {m}
gold mining townGoldgräberstadt {f}
gold and silver mining
Gold- und Silberförderung {f}
mining company
Förderunternehmen {n}
mining company
Minengesellschaft {f}
mining company
Bergbauunternehmen {n}
mining company
Minenunternehmen {n}
shares in a mining company
Aktien {pl} an einem Bergbauunternehmen
large sallow mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena apicata]
Dunkle Weiden-Sandbiene / Weidensandbiene {f}
violet-winged mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena agilissima]
Blauschillernde Sandbiene {f}
large scabious mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena hattorfiana]
Knautien-Sandbiene {f}
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Behaarter Ginster {m}
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Haar-Ginster / Haarginster {m}
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Schafschmeißfliege {f}
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Goldfliege {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Schmalblättriger Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldlack-Krokus / Goldlackkrokus {m}
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It was long after that when alluvial gold was discovered at Mount Lyell, prompting the formation of the Mount Lyell Gold Mining Company in 1881.
  • com was already taken by a gold mining company, so Omidyar shortened it to eBay.com.
  • This camp was overlooked by the "D" Shaft of the Luipardsvlei Estate Gold Mining Company, which was shut down in 1929 when mining shifted to deeper ore bodies that offered the prospect of larger tonnages.
  • At first it was just a simple mining camp but grew when Edwin Bray, a prospector discovered gold in the hills above Barberton in 1885 and with 14 partners started the Sheba Reef Gold Mining Company.
  • Welkom officially came into being on 15 April 1947, six years after the first mining lease in the area was awarded to the St Helena Gold Mining Company, and was proclaimed a town on 23 July 1948.

  • The Ashanti Goldfields Corporation is a gold mining company based in Ghana that was founded by Joseph Ellis and Joseph Biney both from Cape Coast.
  • In 1887 the Brindabella Gold Mining Company was formed and mining continued until 1910.
  • Newmont Corporation is an American gold mining company based in Greenwood Village, Colorado.
  • As of 2009, Murray was executive chairman of Atholl Energy Ltd and chairman of Westminster Development Ltd, a gold mining company, both operating in Accra, Ghana.
  • Barrick had been the world's largest gold mining company until Newmont Corporation acquired Goldcorp in 2019.

  • The brewery had to acquire a gold mining company with an identical name in order to rightfully use the name.
  • In the interests of a gold mining company he formed, Peters explored the Fura district and Macombes country on the Zambezi river, where during 1899 he discovered ruins of cities and deserted gold mines of the medieval Kingdom of Mutapa, which he identified as the legendary ancient lands of Ophir.
  • He is the founder of "Polyus Gold", Russia's leading gold-mining company.
  • He resigned a Queensland lectureship to invest (with his brother Willy) in an impressively named but cash-strapped gold-mining company which collapsed, the Queensland Minerals Exploration Company.
  • The gold mining company Ernest had been working for then offered him an opportunity to move to their London office, enabling him to return to England with his young family.

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