 Übersetzung für 'gold mining' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   gold mining | -
gold mining
Goldabbau {m}
gold mining
Goldschürfen {n}
gold mining
Goldgewinnung {f}
gold mining
Goldförderung {f}
3 Wörter
gold mining company
Goldbergbauunternehmen {n}
gold mining company
Goldförderunternehmen {n}
gold mining townGoldgräberstadt {f}
4 Wörter
gold and silver mining
Gold- und Silberförderung {f}
violet-winged mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena agilissima]
Blauschillernde Sandbiene {f}
large scabious mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena hattorfiana]
Knautien-Sandbiene {f}
large sallow mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena apicata]
Dunkle Weiden-Sandbiene / Weidensandbiene {f}
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Haar-Ginster / Haarginster {m}
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Behaarter Ginster {m}
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Schafschmeißfliege {f}
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Goldfliege {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldbrokat-Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldlack-Krokus / Goldlackkrokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Schmalblättriger Krokus {m}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Weberkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Textil-Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Gewebte Kegelschnecke {f}
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Netz-Kegelschnecke {f}
Bergarbeit {f}
Bergbauindustrie {f}
Verminung {f}
Abbau {m} [von Lagerstätten]
Rohstoffabbau {m}
Förderung {f}
28 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'gold mining' von Englisch nach Deutsch

gold mining
Goldabbau {m}mining

Goldschürfen {n}mining

Goldgewinnung {f}mining

Goldförderung {f}mining

gold mining company
Goldbergbauunternehmen {n}mining

Goldförderunternehmen {n}mining
gold mining town
Goldgräberstadt {f}

gold and silver mining
Gold- und Silberförderung {f}mining

violet-winged mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena agilissima]
Blauschillernde Sandbiene {f}entom.T
large scabious mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena hattorfiana]
Knautien-Sandbiene {f}entom.T
large sallow mining-bee / mining bee [Andrena apicata]
Dunkle Weiden-Sandbiene / Weidensandbiene {f}entom.T
gold-flash / gold flash broom [Genista pilosa, syn.: G. decumbens, G. repens, G. tuberculata, Spartium pilosum, Telinaria pilosa]
Haar-Ginster / Haarginster {m}bot.T

Behaarter Ginster {m}bot.T
gold-fly / gold fly [Lucilia sericata, syn.: Phaenicia sericata]
Schafschmeißfliege {f}entom.T

Goldfliege {f}entom.T
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold [Crocus angustifolius, syn.: C. angustifolia, C. reticulatus var. reflexus , C. versicolor var. caucasicus]
Goldbrokat-Krokus {m}bot.T

Goldlack-Krokus / Goldlackkrokus {m}bot.T

Schmalblättriger Krokus {m}bot.T
cloth-of-gold / cloth of gold cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]
Weberkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]zool.T

Textil-Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T

Gewebte Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T

Netz-Kegelschnecke {f}zool.T
Bergarbeit {f}mining

Bergbauindustrie {f}ind.mining

Verminung {f}mil.

Abbau {m} [von Lagerstätten]mining

Rohstoffabbau {m}mining

Förderung {f}mining
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • There was indeed gold mining in that approximate region, where beaked "Protoceratops" skulls were common as fossils.
  • Fiji's gold mining industry is based in Vatukoula.
  • After being dismissed from a job as a junior clerk with a Sydney shipping company for pilfering petty cash, he went to Papua New Guinea at the age of eighteen, seeking his fortune in tobacco planting and gold mining in the Morobe Goldfield.
  • In artisanal gold mining, borax is sometimes used as part of a process known as the borax method (as a flux) meant to eliminate the need for toxic mercury in the gold extraction process, although it cannot directly replace mercury.
  • One of the major revolutions in gold mining (during the Victorian gold rush) came when fields such as Bendigo, but also Ballarat, Ararat and the goldfields close to Mount Alexander, turned out to have large gold deposits below the superficial alluvial deposits that had been (partially) mined out.

  • These oxidizers are used to destroy cyanides in effluents from gold mining.
  • Its main application, in gold mining, also exploits its high reactivity toward metals.
  • Gold mining in the Central City district decreased rapidly between 1900 and 1920, as the veins were exhausted.
  • Ballarat is most notable for the award-winning open-air museum known as Sovereign Hill, a recreated 1850s gold mining settlement opened in 1970.
  • As tensions escalated, political manoeuvrings and negotiations attempted to reach compromise on the issues of uitlanders' rights within the South African Republic, control of the gold mining industry, and Britain's desire to incorporate the Transvaal and the Orange Free State into a federation under British control.

  • Critics argue that this will cause arbitrary fluctuations in the inflation rate, and that monetary policy would essentially be determined by gold mining.
  • The IWW assumed a prominent role in 1906 and 1907 in the gold-mining boom town of Goldfield, Nevada.
  • Large private investments in gold mining include Anglogold-Ashanti ($250 million) in Sadiola and Yatela, and Randgold Resources ($140 million) in Morila – both multinational South African companies located respectively in the north-western and southern parts of the country.
  • The agriculture and manufacturing sectors are fairly minimal. Gold mining was important in the 19th century.
  • The average gold mining and extraction costs were about $317 per troy ounce in 2007, but these can vary widely depending on mining type and ore quality; global mine production amounted to 2,471.1 tonnes.

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