21 Übersetzungen
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- The stainless steel sculpture depicts fantastical plant forms that leap and arch from the grassy embankment, celebrating the vitality that the MetroLink system brings to the St.
- In 2006, for a commission by the Ville de Paris, Jean-Louis Faure submitted a project for a sculpture in honour of General Dumas which would have been erected in Géneral-Catroux square on a grassy embankment bordered by Avenue de Villiers, fifty metres from Gustave Doré's tribute to Alexandre Dumas, the general's son.
- The route of the old road is traced by a raised grassy embankment that curves through the reserve to the present entrance.
- It is the only Babylon Branch station that does not sit atop a concrete viaduct; instead it sits on top of a grassy embankment similar to Westbury.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2024
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