 Übersetzung für 'grassy plain' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a grassy plain | grassy plains
grassy plain
Grasebene {f}
grassy {adj}grasbewachsen
grassy {adj}grasreich
grassy {adj}grasig
grassy {adj}grasartig
grassy slopeGrashang {m}
grassy bankRasenbank {f}
grassy area
Grünfläche {f}
grassy spotGrasfleck {m} [auf dem Waldboden etc.]
grassy embankment
Grasböschung {f}
grassy stripGrasstreifen {m}
grassy landscapeGraslandschaft {f}
grassy plains
Grasfluren {pl}
grassy knollGrashügel {m}
grassy starwort [Stellaria graminea]
Grasmiere {f}
grassy starwort [Stellaria graminea]
Gras-Sternmiere / Grassternmiere {f}
grassy pondweed [Potamogeton gramineus]
Grasartiges Laichkraut {n}
grassy pondweed [Potamogeton gramineus]
Grasblättriges Laichkraut {n}
grassy pondweed [Potamogeton gramineus]
Gras-Laichkraut {n}
grassy {adj} [covered in grass]grasbedeckt
grassy {adj} [e.g. plain, strip]Gras- [z. B. Ebene, Streifen]
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Savannah is a feminine given name, taken from either the name of the city of Savannah, Georgia, or savanna, a large, grassy plain ecosystem.
  • The clock is visible from everywhere on the 58-building, college-like campus, which is situated on a grassy plain between a seasonally-flooding meadow and downtown Brattleboro.
  • He is a young green-skinned warrior from the Grassy Plain.
  • Oxapampa (or Ocshapampa) means "straw plain" or "grassy plain" in the Quechua language. "Ocsha" means "straw" and "pampa" means "plain" or flat area.
  • The clip ends with the Boomtown Rats looking at a chroma key image of a house in a grassy plain.

  • Its stands on a grassy plain, almost surrounded by forested Himalayan mountains, on the right bank of Lohit River which is locally (but erroneously) considered the main stream of the Brahmaputra River.
  • The battle between Mad Saurus and Jack gives Section C enough time to make their way to the surface, which is now an open, grassy plain with several ruined buildings scattered around instead of a city.
  • west of Sydney and comprises flat grassy plain bounded to the north by Willandra Creek, which is a tributary of the Lachlan River.
  • In modern Scottish Gaelic, the etymologically related term "machair" refers to a fertile grassy plain that is maintained by continuous trampling and grazing of livestock.
  • Many Jawoyn moved to Tandandjal on the ridge affording spring water of a grassy plain 44 miles east-north of Maranboy in November 1948 when a short-lived government settlement for Aborigines had been established.

  • The Santiago River forms a small grassy plain that is good for grazing livestock.
  • The eastern side of the house is distinguished by the garden terraces that lead down to a flat, open grassy plain which in turn leads into bushland.
  • ... sometimes machar in English) is a fertile low-lying grassy plain found on part of the northwest coastlines of Ireland and Scotland, in particular the Outer Hebrides.
  • The largest plots of garden measure only around an acre not covering any of the grassy plain, western outlying farms or boundary-lining trees in the far east and west.
  • As a result of soil and vegetation analyses it has been deduced that there was a large area southeast of the lake which used to be part of it (today easily visible, especially from above, as a mainly grassy plain) but which has now silted up.

  • The circuit was opened in 1998 and is notable for its minimal elevation change (being constructed on a flat, grassy plain) and its very long (~1 km) main straight.
  • Alternatively, Maiden Castle comes from the Brythonic "*moe din" meaning 'grassy plain'.
  • At the small village Wayllapampa ("grassy plain", "Wayllabamba") the trail intersects with the "Mollepata Trail" at [...].
  • To the east is a huge grassy plain, which is around [...] above sea level.
  • Geologist Toni Hagen explained the name as meaning a "grassy plain" or "meadow" (" [...] ") above a "comb" or a "range" (" [...] " or " [...] ") in the local Tibetan language, thereby signifying the "crest above the grassy plains".

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