 Übersetzung für 'green tones' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a green tone | green tones
green tonesGrüntöne {pl}
3 Wörter
tones of greenGrüntöne {pl}
tonesTöne {pl}
red tonesRottöne {pl}
flesh tones
Inkarnat {n}
reddish tonesRottöne {pl}
brown tonesBrauntöne {pl}
ring tones
Klingeltöne {pl}
natural tonesNaturtöne {pl}
earthy tonesErdtöne {pl}
earth tonesErdtöne {pl}
blue tonesBlautöne {pl}
psalm tones
Psalmtöne {pl}
ringing tonesKlingeltöne {pl}
yellow tonesGelbtöne {pl}
heart tones
Herztöne {pl}
tones of redRottöne {pl}
fetal heart tones
kindliche Herztöne {pl}
tones of blue
Blautöne {pl}
tones of brownBrauntöne {pl}
grey tones [Br.]Grautöne {pl}
gray tones [Am.]Grautöne {pl}
22 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The landscape is wide, in green tones.
  • because he preferred the light green tones that had developed on the equestrian sculpture over time rather than the typical "statuary brown" patina the conservator applied without consulting him.
  • The lobby received a modern translucent roof and an Art Nouveau ("Jugendstil") painting in ochre and green tones, which had been rediscovered in 1997 under layers of plaster, was reconstructed.
  • Her later work is marked by abstraction and the painting of landscapes of the Bajío region, with red and deep green tones.
  • Its green tones are based on those of the British House of Commons, the lower house.

  • It is also used in cathode ray tube screens to increase the contrast between red and green tones.
  • The theatre space was dominated by grey and green tones.
  • The whole canvas is filled by a pine forest, with a slightly wavy forest floor in brown-green tones with red blooming flowers and vanishing points to far left and far right.
  • Sheila Guzmán from Show News celebrated the visual for showing "the evident good relationship between both interpreters" and appreciated it as "a very summery video, full of yellow and green tones".
  • The eyes mostly black with green tones at the bottom and large blue post-ocular spots.

  • He became known for a palette of predominantly gray-green tones, eventually known as 'Ryder green'.
  • They are typically in the blue-green tones characteristic of his Flemish contemporaries such as Lucas van Uden and Gillis Peeters.
  • Females rarely appear in which green tones dominate the basic color.
  • "E. laticeps" usually employs the crypsis mechanism to avoid predators. When "E. laticeps" is distressed, its green tones shift to brown tones, exhibiting metachromatism.
  • Powerful forms of nature, especially trees and mountains block, is effective in the composition, coloring and playing in the deep moss green tones.

  • Most of her works were portraits, many self portraits, and interiors. She used oils in the grey and dark green tones, her paintings were full of nostalgia and sorrow.
  • The colours are dark: there are brown and dark green tones for the bushes at the left bottom corner, on the right hand side and in the middle; dark blue and shades of grey for the sky, but also very light colours, typical of the baroque style with the chiaroscuro technique, that enlighten the characters and the action and highlight their anatomy.
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