 Übersetzung für 'greens' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN1   a green | greens
NOUN2   - | the Greens [political party]
VERB   to green | greened | greened
greening | greens
SYNO green | greens | leafy vegetable
greens {pl}
Grünzeug {n} [ugs.]
greens {pl} [vegetables]
Grüngemüse {n}
greens [shades of green]Grüns {pl}
greens {pl} [coll.] [onions, carrots, and celery, etc.]
Suppengrün {n}
greensGrasplätze {pl}
Grünflächen {pl}
greens [golf]
Grüns {pl}
greens {pl} [green vegetables]
Gemüse {n} [Sammelbegriff] [Blattgemüse]
greens {pl} [vegetables]
grünes Blattgemüse {n}
2 Wörter: Substantive
(leafy) greens {pl}
Blattgemüse {n}
baby greens
junge Salatblätter {pl}
baby greens {pl}
junges Blattgemüse {n}
dress greens [Am.]
Dienstanzug {m} [militärische Uniformart Ausgeh- oder Dienstuniform]
greens fee
Golfplatzgebühr {f}
greens fee
Gebühr {f} für die Benutzung eines Golfplatzes
Greens Party [also greens party]
Grüne Partei {f} ["Die Grünen"]
salad greens {pl} [leafy vegetables used in salad]
Salatgemüse {n} [Blattgemüse; verschiedene Sorten]
soup greens {pl} [onions, carrots, and celery, etc.]
Suppengrün {n}
soup greens {pl} [onions, carrots, celery, etc.]
Suppenkraut {n} [regional] [Suppengrün]
spring greens {pl}
Frühkohl {m}
The Greens [party]
Die Grünen {pl} [Partei]
vegetable greens {pl}
Blattgemüse {n} [verschiedene Sorten]
3 Wörter: Andere
Eat your greens.Iss dein Gemüse auf.
3 Wörter: Substantive
pink and greens {pl} [coll. term for a former US Army officer uniform]
[ugs. Bezeichnung für eine US-Army-Offizieruniform]
4 Wörter: Substantive
Alliance 90/The Greens [treated as sg.] [German political party]
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen [mit Verb im Singular] [ohne Art.]
tending of the greens [golf]Grünpflege {f}
5+ Wörter: Andere
The Greens - The Green Alternative [Austria]
Die Grünen - Die grüne Alternative <GRÜNE>
5+ Wörter: Substantive
Federation of Young European Greens <FYEG>
Vereinigung {f} Junger Europäischer Grüner
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
bush greens {pl} [treated as sg.] [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]
Rispiger Fuchsschwanz {m}
bush greens {pl} [treated as sg.] [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]
Purpurroter Fuchsschwanz {m}
bush greens {pl} [treated as sg.] [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]
Roter Dom {m} [Rispen-Fuchsschwanz]
bush greens {pl} [treated as sg.] [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]
Rispen-Fuchsschwanz / Rispenfuchsschwanz {m}
bush greens {pl} [treated as sg.] [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]
Färber-Fuchsschwanz / Färberfuchsschwanz {m}
collard greens {pl} [Brassica oleracea L., Acephala group]
Blattkohl {m}
mustard greens [Brassica juncea]
Sareptasenf {m}
turnip greens [Brassica rapa]
Stielmus {n} [regional]
36 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'greens' von Englisch nach Deutsch

greens {pl}
Grünzeug {n} [ugs.]gastr.
greens {pl} [vegetables]
Grüngemüse {n}FoodInd.gastr.

grünes Blattgemüse {n}FoodInd.gastr.
greens [shades of green]
Grüns {pl}
greens {pl} [coll.] [onions, carrots, and celery, etc.]
Suppengrün {n}gastr.
Grasplätze {pl}

Grünflächen {pl}hort.
greens [golf]
Grüns {pl}sports
greens {pl} [green vegetables]
Gemüse {n} [Sammelbegriff] [Blattgemüse]gastr.

(leafy) greens {pl}
Blattgemüse {n}FoodInd.gastr.
baby greens
junge Salatblätter {pl}gastr.hort.
baby greens {pl}
junges Blattgemüse {n}FoodInd.gastr.
dress greens [Am.]
Dienstanzug {m} [militärische Uniformart Ausgeh- oder Dienstuniform]cloth.mil.
greens fee
Golfplatzgebühr {f}sports

Gebühr {f} für die Benutzung eines Golfplatzessports
Greens Party [also greens party]
Grüne Partei {f} ["Die Grünen"]pol.
salad greens {pl} [leafy vegetables used in salad]
Salatgemüse {n} [Blattgemüse; verschiedene Sorten]gastr.hort.
soup greens {pl} [onions, carrots, and celery, etc.]
Suppengrün {n}gastr.
soup greens {pl} [onions, carrots, celery, etc.]
Suppenkraut {n} [regional] [Suppengrün]gastr.
spring greens {pl}
Frühkohl {m}gastr.
The Greens [party]
Die Grünen {pl} [Partei]pol.
vegetable greens {pl}
Blattgemüse {n} [verschiedene Sorten]gastr.hort.

Eat your greens.
Iss dein Gemüse auf.

pink and greens {pl} [coll. term for a former US Army officer uniform]
[ugs. Bezeichnung für eine US-Army-Offizieruniform]cloth.mil.

Alliance 90/The Greens [treated as sg.] [German political party]
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen [mit Verb im Singular] [ohne Art.]pol.
tending of the greens [golf]
Grünpflege {f}

The Greens - The Green Alternative [Austria]
Die Grünen - Die grüne Alternative <GRÜNE>pol.

Federation of Young European Greens <FYEG>
Vereinigung {f} Junger Europäischer Grünerpol.

bush greens {pl} [treated as sg.] [Amaranthus cruentus, syn.: A. chlorostachys, A. hybridus subsp. cruentus, A. paniculatus] [blood amaranth]
Rispiger Fuchsschwanz {m}bot.T

Purpurroter Fuchsschwanz {m}bot.T

Roter Dom {m} [Rispen-Fuchsschwanz]bot.T

Rispen-Fuchsschwanz / Rispenfuchsschwanz {m}bot.T

Färber-Fuchsschwanz / Färberfuchsschwanz {m}bot.T
collard greens {pl} [Brassica oleracea L., Acephala group]
Blattkohl {m}bot.gastr.T
mustard greens [Brassica juncea]
Sareptasenf {m}bot.T
turnip greens [Brassica rapa]
Stielmus {n} [regional]bot.gastr.T
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In the fall of 2004, all of the greens were converted to an A-1 Bent grass and the sand to tour grade signature.
  • There are two bowling greens, one in Vulcan Park and another on High Cloffocks, south of the River Derwent.
  • In addition, many greens believe that governments should not levy taxes against strictly local production and trade.
  • Most village greens in England originated in the Middle Ages.
  • The driving range includes seven target greens as well as a short game area. The club also has two practice putting greens, one located in the front of the clubhouse, and one in the backyard.

  • However the name "greens", registered with the Australian Electoral Commission was controlled by the Sydney Greens.
  • St Helens' built environment is set around large village greens, which are often claimed to make up the second largest green in England.
  • Funk has publicly endorsed a number of products including clubs, greens, and golf balls.
  • Any dark bitter greens can be used, such as kale, mustard greens, or turnip greens, although none are part of the original recipe.
  • The greens were eaten by the indigenous people of North America. Edible raw when young, the older greens can also be eaten after cooking briefly.

  • Other common names include dryland cress, cassabully, and American watercress. When cooked similarly to Southern collard greens the leaves may be called creasy greens. A variegated form is available.
  • She is a member of the working groups on university education, media and digitalisation, women and culture of the Bavarian Greens.
  • Again, the bowling greens were in use before the official opening of the park, as early as 1924 The park hosts six bowling greens: four crown and two flat.
  • The Club currently has two bowling greens which are available for the use of members and their guests all year round.
  • There are two main cooking techniques used in preparing greens: boiling and frying.

  • Leafy greens such as collard greens, spinach, cabbage, romaine lettuce, and kale are a good source of folate and very rich in vitamins.
  • Flavin realized his first full installation piece, greens crossing greens ("to Piet Mondrian who lacked green"), for an exhibition at the Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands, in 1966.
  • reference serving, cooked mustard greens provide [...] of food energy and are a rich source (20% or more of the Daily Value) of vitamins A, C, and K—K being especially high as a multiple of its Daily Value.
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