 Übersetzung für 'growth expectations' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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growth expectations
Wachstumserwartungen {pl}
expectations {pl}Erwartungs­haltung {f}
expectationsAussichten {pl}
expectationsErwartungen {pl}
to arouse expectationsErwartungen erzeugen
inflationary expectationsInflationserwartungen {pl}
customer expectationsKundenerwartungen {pl}
to belie expectationsErwartungen nicht gerecht werden
ambitious expectationsehrgeizige Erwartungen {pl}
price expectationsPreiserwartungen {pl}
yield expectations
Renditeerwartungen {pl}
user expectations
Nutzererwartungen {pl}
inflation expectations
Inflationserwartungen {pl}
role expectations
Rollenerwartungen {pl}
moderate expectationsbescheidene Erwartungen {pl}
to raise expectationsErwartungen wecken
to fuel expectationsErwartungen schüren
against expectations {adv}gegen die Erwartungen
salary expectations
Gehaltsvorstellungen {pl}
to answer expectationsErwartungen erfüllen
high expectationshohe Erwartungen {pl}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • capital accumulation, growth expectations, enabling credit union management to make sound decisions.
  • 4. Revisions of previous nonfarm payrolls releases. An important component of the report which can move markets as traders re-price growth expectations based on the revision to the previous number.
  • By raising interest rates and lowering growth expectations, the Fed hoped to slow and eventually reduce inflationary pressures, creating greater price stability.
  • In 2019, 2U shares dropped more than 50 percent when it lowered its growth expectations.The Century Foundation found that many universities reached bad deals with OPMs and called for the institutions to take more control over their online efforts.
  • He said that he wasn't trying to make a political point but said that “with this kind of growth, expectations, responsibility, demands for results and the need for structural changes within our organisation have become apparent”.

  • When this rivalry exist, each company must protect its brand, growth expectations, and profitability to maintain a competitive advantage and adequate reputation among other brands.
  • The team is named "WTR-Ten10 Racing Team", a wanted choice aimed at representing the strong cohesion of the partnership: passion for the sport, same principles, ambitions and future growth expectations are the values commonly shared together.
  • Cap rates are determined by three major factors; "the opportunity cost of capital", "growth expectations", and "risk".
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