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- From the years 2018 to 2019 the IMF recommended that the Czech Republic apply a neutral fiscal stance that focuses growth friendly spending choices, specifically noting social spending such as pensions and healthcare. The 2021 consultation brought up concerns over inflation and increased prices in the housing market led to policies focusing on these areas.
- At the same time, as a consumption tax, VAT is considered to be more growth-friendly than income- or profit-taxation.
- He notes that further policies to boost domestic demand in countries with current account surpluses like China will be essential but not sufficient - regions like Africa need to be helped so they can become new engines of global growth - and the US and Europe need to ensure their deficit reduction plans are combined with growth friendly policies.
- In 2014, Gozi and the French Secretary of State for European Affairs Harlem Désir set out a list of priorities after talks in Paris, saying the European Commission should adopt more growth-friendly economic policies and grant maximum flexibility within existing EU budget rules to countries undertaking growth-promoting investments and structural economic reforms.
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