| ADJ | gun | more gun | most gun |
| NOUN | a gun | guns |
| VERB | to gun | gunned | gunned gunning | guns |
| SYNO | accelerator | accelerator pedal | artillery | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| weapons gun {adj} [attr.] [case, fanatic, laws, licence, lobby] | Waffen- [z. B. Koffer, Narr, Recht, Schein, Lobby] 7 | |
Substantive |
| weapons gun [pistol] | Pistole {f} 3041 | |
| weapons gun [pistol] | Kanone {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Pistole] 2707 | |
| automot.aviat. gun [throttle] | Gashebel {m} [Auto oder Flugzeug] 2678 | |
| weapons gun [rifle] | Gewehr {n} 1205 | |
| weapons gun [rifle, pistol etc.] | Knarre {f} [ugs.] 323 | |
| weapons gun [firearm] | Schusswaffe {f} 171 | |
| weapons gun [firearm] | Waffe {f} [Schusswaffe] 69 | |
| weapons gun [cannon] | Geschütz {n} 38 | |
| weapons gun [handgun] | Ballermann {m} [ugs.] [Schusswaffe] 24 | |
| weapons gun [cannon] | Kanone {f} 11 | |
| gun [Am.] [coll.] [armed person] | Bewaffneter {m} 6 | |
| weapons gun [handgun] | Krachen {f} [ugs.] [österr.] [Revolver, Knarre] 5 | |
| weapons gun [rifle] | Schießgewehr {n} [Kindersprache] 5 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| gun-sensitive {adj} [attr.] [dog] | schussempfindlich [Hund] | |
| hunting gun-shy {adj} | schussscheu | |
| gun-shy {adj} [fig.] | vorsichtig [argwöhnisch] | |
| weapons machine-gun {adj} <MG> [attr.] | Maschinengewehr- <MG> | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| to gun down sb. [coll.] | jdn. abknallen [ugs.] | |
| to gun for sth. [try to win or obtain] [coll.] [fig.] | etw.Akk. anstreben | |
| to gun sb. down [coll.] | jdn. niederschießen | |
| to gun sb. down [coll.] | jdn. umballern [ugs.] | |
| to gun sb. down [coll.] | jdn. umsägen [ugs.] [jdn. niederschießen] | |
| to gun sb. down [coll.] | jdn. über den Haufen schießen [ugs.] [Redewendung] | |
| to machine-gun sb. [coll.] | jdn. mit einem Maschinengewehr niedermähen [ugs.] | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| weapons (sporting) gun | Büchse {f} | |
| weapons air gun [air pistol] | Luftpistole {f} | |
| weapons air gun [air rifle] | Luftgewehr {n} | |
| sportsweapons air gun [gun from which projectile is propelled by compressed air] | Luftdruckwaffe {f} [Druckluftwaffe] | |
| tools airbrush (gun) | Luftpinsel {m} [bes. schweiz.] [Farbspritzpistole] | |
| cosmet.spec. airbrush gun | Airbrush-Pistole {f} | |
| weapons airsoft gun | Airsoftgun {f} | |
| weapons airsoft gun | Softairwaffe {f} | |
| weapons airsoft gun | Softair {f} [ugs.] | |
| weapons airsoft gun | Softgun {f} [ugs.] | |
| alarm gun | Alarmkanone {f} | |
| weapons alarm gun | Schreckschusswaffe {f} | |
| alarm-gun | Signalkanone {f} | |
| dent. amalgam gun | Amalgampistole {f} | |
| weapons antiaircraft gun | Flak {f} | |
| weapons antiaircraft gun | Flakgeschütz {n} | |
| mil. antitank gun | Panzerabwehrkanone {f} | |
| mil.weapons antitank gun | Panzerabwehrgeschütz {n} | |
| tools applicator gun | Auftragspistole {f} [zum Aufbringen zähflüssiger Materialien] | |
| tools applicator gun | Applikatorpistole {f} [zum Aufbringen zähflüssiger Materialien] | |
| weapons assault gun | Sturmgeschütz {n} <StuG> | |
| weapons AT-gun [anti-tank gun] | Pak {f} [Panzerabwehrkanone] | |
| weapons automatic gun | automatisches Gewehr {n} | |
| textil.tools basting gun [sewing] | Heftpistole {f} | |
| weapons BB gun | Luftpistole {f} [für kugelförmige Metallgeschosse ("ballistic balls")] | |
| weapons beanbag gun | Beanbag {f} [ugs.] | |
| weapons belly gun | Taschenwaffe {f} | |
| weapons big gun | große Kanone {f} | |
| big gun [coll.] | hohes Tier {n} [ugs.] | |
| idiom big gun [coll.] | große Nummer {f} [ugs.] | |
| big gun [coll.] [powerful figure] | einflussreiche Persönlichkeit {f} | |
| weapons blank gun | Schreckschusspistole {f} | |
| tools blast gun | Strahlpistole {f} | |
| constr. bolt gun | Bolzenschussgerät {n} | |
| bolt gun [used in a slaughterhouse] | Schlachtschussapparat {m} | |
| hist.weapons Bren gun | Bren-Maschinengewehr {n} <Bren-MG> | |
| toys bubble gun | Seifenblasen-Pistole {f} | |
| weapons cane gun | Stockflinte {f} | |
| weapons cane gun | Stockbüchse {f} | |
| toys cap gun | Zündplättchenpistole {f} | |
| toys cap gun | Spielzeugpistole {f} [mit Zündplättchen] | |
| weapons capture gun | Betäubungsgewehr {n} | |
| cardboard gun | Pappgewehr {n} | |
| agr.tech. cattle gun [Am.] [used in a slaughterhouse] | Schlachtschussapparat {m} | |
| agr.tech. cattle gun [Am.] [used in a slaughterhouse] | Bolzenschussgerät {n} [Schlachtschussapparat] | |
| tools caulking gun | Fugenpistole {f} | |
| tools caulking gun | Fugenspritze {f} | |
| tools caulking gun | Dichtstoffpistole {f} | |
| tools caulking gun | Dichtstoff-Pistole {f} | |
| constr. cement gun | Zementkanone {f} | |
| weapons chain gun | Kettenkanone {f} [Maschinenkanone mit Kettenantrieb] | |
| med.MedTech. cobalt gun | Kobaltkanone {f} | |
| weapons coil gun | Gaußgewehr {n} | |
| constr. concrete gun | Betonspritzgerät {n} | |
| confetti gun | Konfettikanone {f} | |
| tools corking gun | Vorrichtung {f} zum Verkorken | |
| weapons dart gun | Betäubungsgewehr {n} | |
| mil.naut.weapons deck gun | Deckgeschütz {n} | |
| electr.phys. electron gun | Elektronenschleuder {f} | |
| phys. electron gun | Elektronenkanone {f} | |
| weapons electroshock gun | Taser-Waffe {f} | |
| weapons electroshock gun | Elektroschockwaffe {f} | |
| weapons electroshock gun | Elektroimpulswaffe {f} | |
| weapons elephant gun | Elefantengewehr {n} | |
| mil.weapons field gun | Feldkanone {f} <FK> | |
| weapons field gun | Feldgeschütz {n} | |
| finger gun [hand gesture] | Pistolengeste {f} | |
| weapons flare gun | Leuchtpistole {f} | |
| weapons flare gun | Signalpistole {f} | |
| weapons flexible gun | schwenkbares Geschütz {n} | |
| tools flit gun | Pumpsprüher {m} [für Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel] | |
| naut. fog gun | Nebelkanone {f} | |
| huntingweapons fowling gun | Vogelflinte {f} | |
| hist.weapons Gatling gun | Gatling-Repetiergeschütz {n} | |
| weapons Gauss gun | Gaußgewehr {n} | |
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Übersetzung für 'gun' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- gun {adj} [attr.] [case, fanatic, laws, licence, lobby]
- Waffen- [z. B. Koffer, Narr, Recht, Schein, Lobby]weapons
- gun [pistol]
- Pistole {f}weapons
Kanone {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Pistole]weapons
- gun [throttle]
- Gashebel {m} [Auto oder Flugzeug]automot.aviat.
- gun [rifle]
- Gewehr {n}weapons
Schießgewehr {n} [Kindersprache]weapons
- gun [rifle, pistol etc.]
- Knarre {f} [ugs.]weapons
- gun [firearm]
- Schusswaffe {f}weapons
Waffe {f} [Schusswaffe]weapons
- gun [cannon]
- Geschütz {n}weapons
Kanone {f}weapons
- gun [handgun]
- Ballermann {m} [ugs.] [Schusswaffe]weapons
Krachen {f} [ugs.] [österr.] [Revolver, Knarre]weapons
- gun [Am.] [coll.] [armed person]
- Bewaffneter {m}
- gun-sensitive {adj} [attr.] [dog]
- schussempfindlich [Hund]
- gun-shy {adj}
- schussscheuhunting
- gun-shy {adj} [fig.]
- vorsichtig [argwöhnisch]
- machine-gun {adj} <MG> [attr.]
- Maschinengewehr- <MG>weapons
- to gun down sb. [coll.]
- jdn. abknallen [ugs.]
- to gun for sth. [try to win or obtain] [coll.] [fig.]
- etw.Akk. anstreben
- to gun sb. down [coll.]
- jdn. niederschießen
jdn. umballern [ugs.]
jdn. umsägen [ugs.] [jdn. niederschießen]
jdn. über den Haufen schießen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
- to machine-gun sb. [coll.]
- jdn. mit einem Maschinengewehr niedermähen [ugs.]
- (sporting) gun
- Büchse {f}weapons
- air gun [air pistol]
- Luftpistole {f}weapons
- air gun [air rifle]
- Luftgewehr {n}weapons
- air gun [gun from which projectile is propelled by compressed air]
- Luftdruckwaffe {f} [Druckluftwaffe]sportsweapons
- airbrush (gun)
- Luftpinsel {m} [bes. schweiz.] [Farbspritzpistole]tools
- airbrush gun
- Airbrush-Pistole {f}cosmet.spec.
- airsoft gun
- Airsoftgun {f}weapons
Softairwaffe {f}weapons
Softair {f} [ugs.]weapons
Softgun {f} [ugs.]weapons
- alarm gun
- Alarmkanone {f}
Schreckschusswaffe {f}weapons
- alarm-gun
- Signalkanone {f}
- amalgam gun
- Amalgampistole {f}dent.
- antiaircraft gun
- Flak {f}weapons
Flakgeschütz {n}weapons
- antitank gun
- Panzerabwehrkanone {f}mil.
Panzerabwehrgeschütz {n}mil.weapons
- applicator gun
- Auftragspistole {f} [zum Aufbringen zähflüssiger Materialien]tools
Applikatorpistole {f} [zum Aufbringen zähflüssiger Materialien]tools
- assault gun
- Sturmgeschütz {n} <StuG>weapons
- AT-gun [anti-tank gun]
- Pak {f} [Panzerabwehrkanone]weapons
- automatic gun
- automatisches Gewehr {n}weapons
- basting gun [sewing]
- Heftpistole {f}textil.tools
- BB gun
- Luftpistole {f} [für kugelförmige Metallgeschosse ("ballistic balls")]weapons
- beanbag gun
- Beanbag {f} [ugs.]weapons
- belly gun
- Taschenwaffe {f}weapons
- big gun
- große Kanone {f}weapons
- big gun [coll.]
- hohes Tier {n} [ugs.]
große Nummer {f} [ugs.]idiom
- big gun [coll.] [powerful figure]
- einflussreiche Persönlichkeit {f}
- blank gun
- Schreckschusspistole {f}weapons
- blast gun
- Strahlpistole {f}tools
- bolt gun
- Bolzenschussgerät {n}constr.
- bolt gun [used in a slaughterhouse]
- Schlachtschussapparat {m}
- Bren gun
- Bren-Maschinengewehr {n} <Bren-MG>hist.weapons
- bubble gun
- Seifenblasen-Pistole {f}toys
- cane gun
- Stockflinte {f}weapons
Stockbüchse {f}weapons
- cap gun
- Zündplättchenpistole {f}toys
Spielzeugpistole {f} [mit Zündplättchen]toys
- capture gun
- Betäubungsgewehr {n}weapons
- cardboard gun
- Pappgewehr {n}
- cattle gun [Am.] [used in a slaughterhouse]
- Schlachtschussapparat {m}agr.tech.
Bolzenschussgerät {n} [Schlachtschussapparat]agr.tech.
- caulking gun
- Fugenpistole {f}tools
Fugenspritze {f}tools
Dichtstoffpistole {f}tools
Dichtstoff-Pistole {f}tools
- cement gun
- Zementkanone {f}constr.
- chain gun
- Kettenkanone {f} [Maschinenkanone mit Kettenantrieb]weapons
- cobalt gun
- Kobaltkanone {f}med.MedTech.
- coil gun
- Gaußgewehr {n}weapons
- concrete gun
- Betonspritzgerät {n}constr.
- confetti gun
- Konfettikanone {f}
- corking gun
- Vorrichtung {f} zum Verkorkentools
- dart gun
- Betäubungsgewehr {n}weapons
- deck gun
- Deckgeschütz {n}mil.naut.weapons
- electron gun
- Elektronenschleuder {f}electr.phys.
Elektronenkanone {f}phys.
- electroshock gun
- Taser-Waffe {f}weapons
Elektroschockwaffe {f}weapons
Elektroimpulswaffe {f}weapons
- elephant gun
- Elefantengewehr {n}weapons
- field gun
- Feldkanone {f} <FK>mil.weapons
Feldgeschütz {n}weapons
- finger gun [hand gesture]
- Pistolengeste {f}
- flare gun
- Leuchtpistole {f}weapons
Signalpistole {f}weapons
- flexible gun
- schwenkbares Geschütz {n}weapons
- flit gun
- Pumpsprüher {m} [für Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel]tools
- fog gun
- Nebelkanone {f}naut.
- fowling gun
- Vogelflinte {f}huntingweapons
- Gatling gun
- Gatling-Repetiergeschütz {n}hist.weapons
- Gauss gun
- Gaußgewehr {n}weapons
- American Gun = American Gun [Aric Avelino]
- Der letzte Zug von Gun Hill = Last Train from Gun Hill [John Sturges]
- Top Gun - Sie fürchten weder Tod noch Teufel = Top Gun [Tony Scott]
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- The 240mm/50 Modèle 1902 gun was a heavy naval gun and Coastal defense gun of the French Navy.
- It should not be confused with the 21-gun salute (or 19-gun or 17-gun, etc.) which is fired by a battery of artillery pieces.
- A captive bolt (also variously known as a captive bolt gun, cattle gun, stunbolt gun, bolt gun, or stunner) is a device used for stunning animals prior to slaughter.
- The modern city of Nonsan was established in 1914, by the merger of the four counties of Yeonsan-gun, Eunjin-gun, Noseong-gun and Seoksung-gun.
- The "Abnaki" class was armed with a 3"/50 caliber gun anti-aircraft gun, two single-mount Oerlikon 20 mm cannon and two twin-gun mounts for Bofors 40 mm gun.
- D'Estrees entered Klip Bay at dawn on 3 March 1677 in his flagship, the 72-gun "Glorieux", accompanied by the 58-gun "Précieux", 46-gun "Émerillon" and 38-gun "Laurier".
- Although "gun-goguma" has traditionally been a winter food, "gun-goguma" ice cream and "gun-goguma" smoothie are nowadays enjoyed in summer.
- Heitkamp declined to participate in the Democratic filibuster on gun control in June 2016, leading to harsh criticism by gun control groups such as the Brady Campaign and Center to Prevent Gun Violence and Everytown for Gun Safety.
- In 1748, he began work on the 80-gun "Foudroyant" and the 30-gun "Pomone", and the next year, the 50-gun "Hippopotame".
- In 1914 Jeonju-gun was established as Gosan-gun became united, and in 1935 as Jeonju-eup was promoted to Jeonju-bu, Jeonju-gun was renamed Wanju-gun which took control of 15-myeon.
- Giffords Law Center provides comparisons of state gun laws online, and annually releases the Gun Law Scorecard, a report that ranks and measures individual states’ gun death rates in correlation to their gun laws.
- The Spanish navy commissioned the 30-gun "Hillsborough" as the 12-gun store-ship "Santa Clotilde", the 28-gun "Mountstuart" as the 34-gun "Santa Balvina", the 28-gun "Royal George" as the 40-gun "Real Jorge", the 28-gun "Godfrey" as the 34-gun "Santa Biviana" and the 28-gun "Gatton" as the 34-gun "Santa Paula".
- The Elswick BL 16.25 inch naval gun was an early British superheavy rifled breech-loading naval gun, commonly known as the 110-ton gun or 111-ton gun.
- They armed the lower battery of the largest warships: a 74-gun ship of the line would carry 28; an 80-gun, 30; and both 110-gun and 120-gun, 32.
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