 Übersetzung für 'habanero' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a habanero | habaneros
habanero (pepper) [also erroneously: habañero] [Capsicum chinense Jacquin]Habanero {m}
1 Übersetzung
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  • Habanero {m} = habanero (pepper) [also erroneously: habañero] [Capsicum chinense Jacquin]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It is always consumed in the form of tacos and paired with fresh habanero peppers.
  • The datil pepper has a similar Scoville heat rating to the Habanero pepper, ranging between 100,000 and 300,000.
  • Bōkun Habanero is the brand name of a Japanese snack food.
  • It is usually eaten with side dishes such as: yellow corn tortillas, red pickled onion, refried black beans and habanero chilies.
  • The tepin can be hotter than the habanero or red savina, with the highest levels seen in green fruit 40-50 days after fruit set.

  • In Mexico, aguardiente goes by many names, including "habanero". In the state of Michoacán, "charanda" is a traditional rum-like sugar cane aguardiente.
  • Before the early 1990s, there were only two peppers which had been measured above 350,000 SHU, the Scotch bonnet and the habanero.
  • Habanero-tan (...) is the unofficial mascot of Bōkun Habanero, the habanero pepper-flavored snacks produced by Tohato.
  • Val chose blackberry and jalapeno, Sohrob chose passion fruit and habanero, Tati chose watermelon and serrano, and Arin chose mango and birds eye chili.
  • It measures around 100,000 - 225,000 Scoville units, which is at the lower half of the range for the habanero, but many times hotter than the spiciest jalapeños.

  • The Chocolate Habanero can be double the heat of an orange habanero. They taste somewhat smokier than normal habaneros.
  • Adjuma chilies are also very often sold as "habanero" or "Scotch bonnet", due to their similarity.
  • D’Elidas S.A. started its marketing with their yellow hot sauce "Picante Chombo" containing the main ingredients "Aji Chombo" (Panamanian habanero chili), mustard and vinegar.
  • In 2018, Shmaltz began to offer Hop Momma IPA – brewed with peach, apricot, and habanero pepper – in cans.
  • Single Bullet Theory released their own brand of hot sauces in 2013; "Damnation", a habanero/garlic sauce, and "Route 666" which is ghost pepper based.

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