SYNO | habeas corpus | writ of habeas corpus |
25 Übersetzungen
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- Habeas Corpus {n} = habeas corpus
- Habeas-Corpus-Akte {f} [auch: Habeaskorpusakte] = Habeas Corpus Act [1679]
- Habeas-Corpus-Recht {n} [Recht auf richterliche Haftprüfung] = habeas corpus [right, principle]
- Corpus {n} = corpus
- Corpus Delicti {n} = corpus delicti
- Corpus Delicti {n} = weapon (used)
- Corpus Delicti {n} = smoking gun [coll.]
- Corpus callosum {n} = colossal commissure [Corpus callosum]
- Corpus-luteum-Zyste {f} = corpus luteum cyst
- Corpus-luteum-Hormon {n} = corpus luteum hormone
- Hinterende {n} des Corpus callosum = posterior portion of the corpus callosum [Splenium corporis callosi]
- Corpus {n} geniculatum mediale <CGM> = medial geniculate nucleus <MGN>
- Corpus phalangis {n} [Körper, Schaft] = phalangeal shaft [Corpus phalangis]
- Corpus {n} geniculatum laterale <CGL> = lateral geniculate nucleus <LGN>
- Corpus Highmori {n} [Mediastinum Testis] = corpus highmori
- Corpus-cavernosum-Elektromyogramm {n} <CC-EMG> = corpus cavernosum electromyogram <CC-EMG>
- Corpus Delicti {n} [auch hum.: Beweisstück] = piece of incriminating evidence
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- In 1950, at the outbreak of the Korean War, Hoover submitted a plan to President Truman to suspend the writ of "habeas corpus" and detain 12,000 Americans suspected of disloyalty.
- The Court of Appeals is required to hear appeals from certain lower-court decisions, including those regarding criminal prosecutions, juvenile delinquency, and habeas corpus.
- government and Rumsfeld on similar grounds, alleging that they were tortured and their rights of "habeas corpus" were violated.
- The Parliament of England had its roots in the restrictions on the power of kings written into Magna Carta (1215), which explicitly protected certain rights of the King's subjects and implicitly supported what became the English writ of habeas corpus, safeguarding individual freedom against unlawful imprisonment with right to appeal.
- Nor does it prevent the government from retrying the defendant after an appellate reversal other than for sufficiency, including "habeas corpus", or "thirteenth juror" appellate reversals notwithstanding sufficiency on the principle that jeopardy has not "terminated".
- Senator Dole proposed the addition of federal habeas corpus reform, which President Clinton was not opposed to as a standalone measure but which he did not want added to the AEDPA.
- State of Uttarakhand and others (Habeas Corpus Petition No. ...
- A writ of "habeas corpus" is a legal action against unlawful detainment that commands a law enforcement agency or other body that has a person in custody to have a court inquire into the legality of the detention.
- Its execution was stayed as Abu-Jamal began to seek federal "habeas corpus" review.
- "Habeas corpus" ([...]; from Medieval Latin, [...]) is a recourse in law through which a person can report an unlawful detention or imprisonment to a court and request that the court order the custodian of the person, usually a prison official, to bring the prisoner to court, to determine whether the detention is lawful.
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